
Disassembly is the process of translating bytes into assembly language instructions.  Ghidra supports three different disassembly actions:


Disassembly starts disassembling at the current cursor location.  After disassembling an instruction, it examines all possible execution flows from that instruction and disassembles at all those locations.  

When disassembling in a selection, the disassembly starts at the first undefined byte within the selection.  After exhausting all possible flows from the instruction, disassembly begins again at the next undefined byte within the selection.

To perform Disassembly:

  1. Place your cursor at the target instruction
  2. Right-mouse-click
  3. Select Disassembly

The disassembly progress is displayed in the progress status area (bottom right) of the tool.  The progress status area displays the number of instructions disassembled and provides a "Cancel" button.  Press the "Cancel" button to stop the disassembly process.  Note: this will not undo any disassembly that has already occurred.

Press the 'D' key to Disassemble starting at the current cursor location.

Selecting Undo will return the disassembled instructions to undefined bytes.

Be aware that some processors may allow for disassembly in different modes (eg: ARM vs. THUMB). Specific commands may be provided for these and are not discussed here.

Disassembler Options

The following Disassembler options exist which control certain behaviors during Disassembly:

The above Options may be changed via the program Options dialog which allows various program properties to be examined or modified. This dialog may be accessed via the menu action EditOptions for ... for the currently active program. These options are program specific and stored within the program database. The above program properties can be accessed by clicking the Disassembler node within the Properties tree. Any changes to these options will be stored when the OK or Apply button is clicked within the dialog.

These option settings will be utilized for both forced disassembly and during auto-analysis.

Static Disassembly

The difference between Disassembly and Static Disassembly is that Static Disassembly does not follow flow and only disassembles one instruction.  However, when disassembling in a selection, the disassembly starts at the first undefined byte within the selection and proceeds sequentially to the last byte.

To perform Static Disassembly:

  1. Place the cursor in the Code Browser on an undefined byte
  2. Right-mouse-click
  3. Select Disassemble (Static).

The disassembly progress is displayed in the progress status area (bottom right) of the tool.  The progress status area displays the number of instructions disassembled and provides a "Cancel" button.  Press the "Cancel" button to stop the disassembly process.  Note: this will not undo any disassembly that has already occurred.

Selecting Undo will return the disassembled instruction to undefined bytes.

Restricted Disassembly

Restricted Disassembly is similar to Disassembly, except that only bytes in the current selection can be disassembled.  Flows will be followed only if they are in the current selection.  If there is no selection, only one instruction will be disassembled.

To perform Restricted Disassembly:

  1. Place the cursor in the Code Browser on an undefined byte.
  2. Right-mouse-click, and select Disassemble (Restricted).

The disassembly progress is displayed in the progress status area (bottom right) of the tool.  The progress status area displays the number of instructions disassembled and provides a "Cancel" button.  Press the "Cancel" button to stop the disassembly process.  Note: this will not undo any disassembly that has already occurred.

Selecting Undo will return the disassembled instruction to undefined bytes.

Disassemble ARM / Thumb

Disassemble ARM and Disassemble Thumb actions will only be available if the program you are working with is an ARM based processor.  ARM processors have two states, ARM and Thumb mode.  The instructions available in ARM mode are 4 bytes long.  In Thumb mode, the instructions are "generally" 2 bytes long.  ARM and Thumb mode are mutually exclusive, the processor is either executing Thumb encoded instructions or ARM encoded instructions.  However, certain branching instructions can cause the processor to switch modes.  The default mode for disassembly in an ARM program is to disassemble in ARM mode.  If you come across a section of Thumb code that has not been disassembled, Disassemble Thumb will set the disassembler into Thumb mode and begin disassembly.

The actions work exactly like Disassemble in that they start disassembling at the address under the cursor, and will follow the execution flow.

To perform Disassemble ARM or Disassemble Thumb:

  1. Place the cursor in the Code Browser on an undefined byte.
  2. Right-mouse-click, and choose the appropriate option for the mode you believe the processor is using at the address.

The disassembly progress is displayed in the progress status area (bottom right) of the tool.  The progress status area displays the number of instructions disassembled and provides a "Cancel" button.  Press the "Cancel" button to stop the disassembly process.  Note: this will not undo any disassembly that has already occurred.

Press the 'F11' key to Disassemble in ARM mode and press the "F12" key to disassemble in Thumb mode.

Selecting Undo will return the disassembled instruction to undefined bytes.

Processor Options

Some processors have "modes" or state information that affects how they will interpret and execute the bytes that make up an instruction. To support this, Ghidra creates a pseudo register called the "contextRegister" that contains bits corresponding to the different modes or options of the processor.  The language specifies a default for these modes, but the user can effectively change the defaults using the Processor Options dialog.

The options are specific to the processor and the user should refer to the processor manual for a description of a processors modes. Whenever, disassembly takes place these are the assumed values that will be used to initiate disassembly, unless the user has specifically set the values at an address using the  Register Manager Window.

To changes the default processor options:

  1. Place the cursor in the Code Browser.
  2. Right-mouse-click, and select the "Processor Options" menu item.
  3. Enter the values and press the "Ok" button.

Provided by: Disassembler plugin

Related Topics:

Modify Instruction Flow

With certain processors and situations it may be desirable to modify the default flow of an instruction to better reflect the nature of its flow. For example a jump may actually be performing a call type operation, a call may be performing a long-jump. This distinction primarily affects the subroutine models and flow analysis performed within Ghidra.

The following basic flow types may be imposed upon the default flow of an instruction:

In all situations the conditional nature of the original flow is perserved.

To Modify Instruction Flow:

  1. Place the cursor on an instruction within the Code Browser. Note that instructions which are purely fall-through can not be modified.
  2. Right-mouse-click
  3. Select Modify Instruction Flow... menu item.
  4. Within the Modify Instruction Flow dialog select the desired basic flow behavior.
  5. Click OK in the dialog

An instruction whose flow has been modified will have its' mnemonic color modified.

Modify Instruction Length

There are certain situations where code may flow into an offcut location within the middle of another instruction where the bytes happen to form a different instruction. While this generally indicates a bad flow, this can also be a legitimate situation of an overlapping instruction. For example, with x86 instructions where a flow may bypass a LOCK prefix byte. Depending on which flow disassembles first, the situation may manifest differently. Below is an example of the x86 LOCK prefix case. This situation can be quickly identified by the error bookmark along with the offcut reference. In this case the JZ instruction has two flows: 1) one falls-through and 2) conditionally jumps around the LOCK prefix byte resulting in an offcut flow and disassembly conflict.

The above case can be resolved by overriding the code-unit length of the first instruction to 1-byte allowing the incomplete disassembly of the offcut instruction to be repaired.

  1. Place the cursor on an instruction within the Code Browser (e.g., CMPXCHG instruction).
  2. Right-mouse-click
  3. Select Modify Instruction Length... menu item.
  4. Within the Modify Instruction Length dialog enter the reduced instruction length (e.g., 1 in this case). Note that this does not impact the number of bytes actually parsed, but only the affective code unit length.
  5. Click OK in the dialog
  6. This should result in the subsequent locations becoming undefined code units which can know be disassembled. Click on the first undefined location and disassemble (i.e., D key binding).
  7. You may also delete the error bookmark which should no longer be relavent.

The image below shows this same code after these length override steps have been performed. The fallthrough of the first instruction, whose length was overriden from four to one, is preserved and both instructions fallthrough to the same JNZ instruction.