Ghidra Projects

A Ghidra project maintains information for a particular reverse engineering (RE) effort. The RE effort involves using tools built with plugins to analyze target software. Tools are accessible across projects and not associated with any one project in particular.  However,  the target software is imported into a Ghidra project as programs.  The Ghidra project organizes and maintains these programs for multiple users.

The latest release of Ghidra introduces the concept of a project repository that contains files that are versioned, shared, or private.  A shared project is associated with a Ghidra Server that manages the files in the repository. Multiple users in the project can add files, access files on the server and create new versions of the files.  Private files are local your project and have not been added to a project repository. You can still take advantage of the project repository features and not have your project be associated with a Ghidra Server. 

You can create subfolders and import programs into your project. You can also view other data from other projects, or drag the other project data into your current project.

 The Ghidra Project Window shows the active project. The Ghidra Project Window's menu provides access to the following project operations:

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