Sample Help File for a Plugin

The first paragraph should describe the purpose of the plugin and explain why a user would want to add this plugin to a tool. The Hello World plugin is a sample plugin to demonstrate the how to set up an action and how to add a listener to the Project. The listener is notified when a project is opened and closed. The Hello World plugin implements the FrontEndable interface so that it becomes eligible to be added to the Ghidra Project Window, which is also a tool. Finally, it shows how to add a help URL to the action so that when the user presses the <F1> or <Help> key, this page will be displayed in the Ghidra Help Browser.

If the plugin pops up a dialog, the display elements and input fields should be explained in detail, as well as any resulting changes which may be made to the current program.

Note on the Style Sheet: This sample help file uses a style sheet that is consistent with Ghidra Help. If you would like to maintain the same "look and feel.", then use the Ghidra style sheet:

<LINK rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="help/shared/DefaultStyle.css">

Here are some sample bookmarks for the actions in the sample plugins (see the setupActions() method in ghidra.examples.KitchenSinkPlugin for how to specify a bookmark in the URL that is used as the help URL for the action):

Related Topics: add links to related pages

Provided By: the Hello World and Kitchen Sink plugins