Call Tree Plugin

The Call Tree Plugin shows all callers and all callees for the current function (also known as the main function), which is the function that contains the cursor location in the Listing. Functions which reference or are referenced by the main function are also shown. You can expand the nodes in each of the trees to show more information about these other functions. This plugin can be used to gain a quick context of a given function by seeing incoming and outgoing function calls and references.

You can launch this component by clicking the icon in the Tool's toolbar, or by right-clicking in the Listing and selecting References->Show Call Trees

Unlike most widgets in Ghidra, the Call Trees display functions differently depending upon how you launch it.

The Incoming tree shows all functions calling and/or referencing the main function. Each node in the tree has the incoming function icon () combined with () for calls and () for other reference types. Expanding a node in this tree shows all functions that call or reference the function corresponding to the expanded node. Nodes may be expanded recursively to any depth desired.

The Outgoing tree shows all functions called or referenced by the main function. Each node in the tree has the outgoing function icon () combined with () for calls and () for other reference types. Expanding a node in this tree shows all functions that are called or referenced by the expanded node. Nodes may be expanded recursively to any depth desired.

The default operation of the plugin display is to not change as the location changes in the Listing. This allows you to trigger navigation from inside of the trees without changing the function displayed by the trees. In order to see a new call trees window for the location in the Listing, you can do so by clicking the icon in the Tool's toolbar, or by right-clicking in the Listing and selecting References->Show Call Trees

Alternatively, you may execute the Navigate on Incoming Location Changes button on the call trees provider in order to have that provider change as the location in the Listing changes.

Alternate Outgoing Icons

Icon Description
Nodes with the stop icon indicate a call destination for which no other called functions can be determined.
This icon indicates an external function call, which has no outgoing calls.
This icon indicates that the given function has already been called somewhere in the path of calls. For example, a function that calls itself would appear as an outgoing call of that function. In this case, this icon would be applied to that node.


You may enter text into either of the tree's filters. This will search for any function name matching the given text, based up on the filter settings.

The filter will only search down to the current depth setting.


The following actions are buttons in the Call Tree Plugin header.

The home button will navigate to the function label of the main function for which the call trees are being displayed.

The refresh button will reload the trees. This is needed due to the fact that as changes are made to the program, the trees will not add and remove nodes in response. Thus, you can edit as much as you like without affecting the structure of the trees. The action's color will change to yellow if the provider detects that changes have taken place that may affect the structure of the tree.

The action, when toggled on, will filter out duplicate function calls. For incoming function calls, only one entry will exist in the child nodes for a given function, even if that function calls the parent node multiple times. For outgoing function calls, only one entry will exist in the child nodes for a given function, even if the parent node calls a given function repeatedly. This setting is useful to see the set of all functions called in order to see the basic function call graph. When toggled off this action will show all function calls, including duplicate calls, in address order. This setting is more useful to see the overall flow of the main function and to navigate each individual call site.

The action, when toggled on, will filter out function calls that are from non-call reference types. This setting is useful to see the set of all functions called specifically with a reference type that is considered a call reference. Toggling this setting off may be useful to see all ways functions are referenced, even when they are not considered function calls by Ghidra.

The depth setting action allows you to see and change the depth of recursive operations. For example, the filter operation will expand nodes as deep as it can, limited only by the depth setting. Another example is the expand action, which will expand nodes recursively until the current depth setting is reached. The depth of a given node is defined as the number of parents of a given node.

The button, when toggled on, indicates that location changes in the Code Browser will trigger the Call Tree Provider to focus the display on the new location.

The button, when toggled on, will cause selections in the tree to navigate to the source of the selected function within the main function. To navigate to the destination of a given function, you can use the Go To Destination action. No navigation will happen when toggled off.

The action, when toggled on, will filter thunk functions out of the tree.

The action, when toggled on, will show the function namespace in the each node.

Context Menu Actions

The following actions are available from the context menu by right-clicking.

The Collapse All Nodes action will close all nodes in the tree, except for the direct children of the root node. This allows you to collapse all nodes after expanding them, which can be useful when trying to get an overall view for the different flows out of a function. For example, you can expand all nodes to get an overview, pick a single path out of the node, collapse all nodes and then expand only the child node of interest.

The Expand Nodes to Depth Limit action will expand the selected node(s) as far as possible until there are no more child nodes to expand of the depth limit is reached.

The Select Source action will make a program selection for the node(s) selected in the tree where the context menu was activated. When activated from the incoming call tree, the calling or referencing function's entry point will be selected. When activated from the outgoing call tree the address of the instruction containing the call or reference will be selected.

The Select Destination will make a program selection for the node(s) selected in the outgoing tree. The selection will be the called or referenced function's entry point.

The Go To Source action will navigate the Listing to the address of the selected node in the tree where the context menu was activated. When activated from the incoming call tree, the Listing will be navigated to the calling or referencing function's entry point. When activated from the outgoing call tree the Listing will be navigated to the address of the instruction containg the call or reference.

The Go To Destination will navigate the Listing to the entry point of the appropriate function.

The Show Call Tree for (Function Name) will load the function for the selected node into the current Call Tree window.

Provided by: Call Tree Plugin

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