You can change the background colors of the Listing via context actions or programmatically by using the ColorizingService. Changing specific address range background colors can be useful for many reasons, such as marking areas of interest. Further, coloring can be performed from a script, which allows you to color disassembly during automated processing.
Unlike program selections and highlights, the background colors you set will be saved with the program.
Changing Colors
Set Color - Available from the listing right-click context menu under the Colors pull-right. This action will show a color chooser dialog that allows you to pick a color to be applied over the current selection or the current address if no selection exists.
Clear Color - Available from the listing right-click context menu under the Colors pull-right. This action allows you to clear the color that has been previously set for the current selection or the current address if no selection exists.
Clear All Colors - Available from the listing right-click context menu under the Colors pull-right. This action will clear all colors applied to the entire program. exists.
Any of these actions can be undone using the undo action.
From a script, using the GhidraScript API:
public void run() throws Exception { setBackgroundColor(anotherAddress, Color.YELLOW); // OR, using a range of addresses // create an address set with values you want to change AddressSet addresses = new AddressSet(currentProgram.getAddressFactory()); addresses.add(currentAddress.add(10)); addresses.add(currentAddress.add(11)); addresses.add(currentAddress.add(12)); setBackgroundColor(addresses, new Color(100, 100, 200)); }
From a script, using the service directly:
public void run() throws Exception { ColorizingService service = state.getTool().getService(ColorizingService.class); if (service == null) { println("Can't find ColorizingService service--ColorizingPlugin not installed"); return; } service.setBackgroundColor(currentAddress, currentAddress, new Color(255, 200, 200)); }
Navigating Colors
Next Color Range - Available from the menu bar at Navigation
Next Color Range This action will navigate to the next color range at an address larger than the current address. Depending upon the range navigation options, either the bottom of the current range, or the top of next range will be chosen.
Previous Color Range - Available from the menu bar at Navigation
Previous Color Range This action will navigate to the next color range at an address larger than the current address. Depending upon the range navigation options, either the bottom of the previous range, or the top of the previous range will be chosen.
You can change range navigation behavior by editing the Navigation
Range Navigation tool options.
You can also navigate to color ranges via the Listing's navigation markers.
Provided by: Colorizing plugin