Headless Analyzer

The Headless Analyzer is a command-line-based (non-GUI) version of Ghidra that allows users to:

The Headless Analyzer can be useful when performing repetitive tasks on a project (i.e., importing and analyzing a directory of files or running a script over all binaries).

Headless Analyzer Options

The following options are available for the Headless Analyzer:

analyzeHeadless [<project_location> <project_name>[/<folder_path>]] |

    [[-import [<directory>|<file>]+] | [-process [<project_file>]]]
    [-preScript <ScriptName> [<arg>]*]
    [-postScript <ScriptName> [<arg>]*]
    [-scriptPath "<path1>[;<path2>...]"]
    [-propertiesPath "<path1>[;<path2>...]"]
    [-scriptlog <path to script log file>]
    [-log <path to log file>]
    [-recursive [<depth>]]
    [-processor <languageID>]
    [-cspec <compilerSpecID>]
    [-analysisTimeoutPerFile <timeout in seconds>]
    [-keystore <KeystorePath>]
    [-connect [<userID>]]
    [-commit ["<comment>"]]
    [-max-cpu <max cpu cores to use>]
    [-librarySearchPaths <path1>[;<path2>...]]
    [-loader <desired loader name>]

Accessing the Headless Analyzer

Headless Analyzer Documentation