This plugin adds a string translation service that will appear in the Translate menu of a string data instance. The Translate menu will appear in the right-click context menu of data items that are strings.
LibreTranslate (currently hosted at is an independant project that provides an open source translation package that can be self-hosted.
This plugin queries a LibreTranslate server via HTTP to translate each specified string into a target language. The results of that translation will be determined by the LibreTranslate server.
A LibreTranslate server can be installed locally by following the instructions provided on LibreTranslate's website, and then this plugin can connect to it via a URL such as http://localhost:5000/ (when configured with suggested defaults).
It is also possible to use someone else's LibreTranslate server, and typically they will issue an API key that will authorize the user to connect.
When a string has been translated, the translated value will be shown in place of the original value, bracketed with »chevrons«
Tool Options
Strings | LibreTranslate
- URL - required. Example: http://localhost:5000/ (if self hosted and following suggested values)
- API Key - a unique key that authorizes you to connect to the LibreTranslate server. Can be blank if api keys are not required.
- Source Language - either "auto" or "prompt"
- Target Language - the language code (as defined by LibreTranslate) that strings should be translated into. This defaults to "en" (English).
- Batch Size - the maximum number of strings to include in a single request to the LibreTranslate server.
- HTTP Timeout - the maximum number of milliseconds to wait for the LibreTranslate HTTP server to respond to a request.
- HTTP Timeout [per string] - an additional number of milliseconds, per string in each request, to wait for the LibreTranslate HTTP server to respond.
Provided by: LibreTranslate Plugin