Memory Map


The Memory Map window displays a list of memory blocks that make up the memory structure of the current program.  The component provides actions for adding, renaming, moving, splitting, extending, joining, and deleting memory blocks.

When working with a versioned program within a shared project an exclusive checkout of the program project file is required to perform any modifications to the memory map.

Ghidra supports three different block types through the Memory Map window:

  1. Default - The normal block type that can be Initialized, File Bytes or Uninitialized.
  2. Bit Mapped - The block provides a bit-addressable map onto other blocks. This is useful when a processor can indirectly access individual bits within memory using an alternative byte address. Such blocks have a fixed mapping of 8-bytes to 1-source-byte..
  3. Byte Mapped - The block provides a byte-addressable map onto other blocks.  This can be useful when a range of bytes can be accessed via an alternative address range. While the default mapping is 1-byte to 1-source-byte (1:1), other decimations are permitted specified using a mapping ratio (e.g., 2:4).

File Bytes are currently only created by importers. At this point in time there is no capability provided by the Memory Map provider to create a new File Bytes instance.

Overlay - Each of the above memory block types may optionally be created as an Overlay block. One or more memory blocks may be defined within the same overlay address space where the Overlayed Space is reflected in the memory map table. Overlay blocks can serve various purposes where a memory range may contain different data/code at any given point in time or processor state.   Note that Overlay blocks do not relocate with image base changes and have some limitations in conjunction with decompilation and analysis.

To view the Memory Map, select Window Memory Map from the main tool menu, or click on the    icon in the tool bar.  Note that the current Image Base Address is specified within the title bar.



Each row displays information about one of the memory blocks.  The following summarizes the information about each block.

Many of the Memory Map table fields may be modified to alter the memory block specification (such fields are marked with an '*').

Name * - Name of the memory block. 

Start - The starting address (in hex) of the memory block. For overlay blocks this will reflect an overlay address which includes the name of the overlay address space.

End - The ending address (in hex) of the memory block. For overlay blocks this will reflect an overlay address which includes the name of the overlay address space.

Length - The length (in hex) of the memory block.

R * - Indicates read permission.

W * - Indicates write permission.

X * - Indicates execute permission.

Volatile * - Indicates a region of volatile I/O Memory.

Artificial * - Indicates an artificial memory block which has been fabricated to facilitate analysis.

Overlayed Space - If the block is an overlay block this column indicates the name of the overlayed physical memory space. This field will be empty for non-overlay blocks.

Type - Indicates whether the block is a Default, Bit Mapped or Byte Mapped type of block.

Initialized * - Indicates whether the block has been initialized with values; this property applies to Default and Overlay blocks.

Byte Source - Provides information about the source of the bytes in this block. A block is made up of one or more sub-blocks. Each sub-block is listed by its type, size, and other type-specific information. For example, if the bytes were originally imported from a file, then the file name and the offset into that file is displayed. If the bytes are mapped to another region of memory, then the start address for the mapping will be displayed.

Source - Description of block origination.

Comment * - User added comment about this memory block.


Rename Overlay Address Space

An overlay address space may be renamed by selecting an overlay block within the table. Its current overlay address space name should appear as the prefix to its Start address (e.g., OV1::00001000 where OV1 is the current name of the overlay space containing the overlay block). The popup menu action Rename Overlay Space may be selected after a right-click on the selected overlay block row. This will popup a window from which the overlay space may be renamed.

An important consideration when renaming overlay memory spaces is that any Diff operation between the affected Program and another Program may not behave as expected until after the Program is closed and re-opened. This is caused by address comparison and ordering which will continue to use the original overlay space name until the program is re-opened.

Memory Block Edits


Memory Blocks can be renamed by double-clicking on the name field and entering a new name.

Change Read Permission

The read permission of a memory block can be changed by left-clicking on the checkbox.

Change Write Permission

The write permission of a memory block can be changed by left-clicking on the checkbox.

Change Execute Permission

The execute permission of a memory block can be changed by left-clicking on the checkbox.

Change Volatile Setting

The volatile setting of a memory block can be changed by left-clicking on the checkbox.

Change Artificial Setting

The artificial setting of a memory block can be changed by left-clicking on the checkbox.

Initialize Memory Block

A memory block that is currently Uninitialized can be Initialized by clicking on the Initialized checkbox. A dialog will appear allowing you to enter a byte value to be used to fill the block. Deselecting the checkbox will cause the block be revert to uninitialized memory. This will have the additional side effect of removing all functions, instructions, data, and outgoing references in that block.

Edit Comment

Memory Block comments can be changed by double-clicking on the comment field and entering the new comment. The comment can be a maximum of 256 characters.

Memory Block Operations 

The memory block operations are available through the icons on the header of the Memory Map window, or select a block in the table, right mouse click, and choose an option.


Select Add to bring up the Add Memory Block dialog.  Fill in the requested information and select the OK button.



Block Name - Enter the name of the new memory block.

Start Address - Enter the start address (or Address Expression) of the new memory block.  If the program language defines multiple address spaces, the address space must also be specified.  The address space selection will not appear if only one is defined. If creating an overlay memory block within an existing overlay address space that space should be selected. A block within the default address space may not span across the current Image Base Address.

Length - Enter the length of the new memory block.

Comment - Enter a comment for the block if desired.

Read - Sets the read permission.

Write - Sets the write permission.

Execute - Sets the execute permission.

Volatile - Marks a block as volatile I/O memory.

Artificial - Marks a memory block as artificial. This may be useful when a block is required to facilitate analysis but does not exist in the same form within a running/loaded process state.

Overlay - Creates the block as an overlay block. An overlay memory block may be created in two ways:

Block Types - Select the block type from the combo box: Default, Bit Mapped or Byte Mapped.


Select Move to bring up the Move Memory Block dialog. The Move action is enabled when exactly one memory block is selected.  Enter either a new start or end address to cause the block to be moved.



Name - Name of the memory block to be moved (not editable).

Start Address - Current starting address of the block to be moved (not editable).

End Address - Current ending address of the block to be moved (not editable).

Length - Length of the memory block to be moved (not editable).

New Start Address - Enter the new starting address (or Address Expression) for the block.  The NEW ending address will be computed.

New End Address -  Enter the new ending address (or Address Expression) for the block. The NEW starting address will be computed.

You cannot move a block under the following conditions:


Select Split to bring up the Split Block Dialog. The Split action is enabled when exactly one memory block is selected.  Use the Split Block Dialog to split a memory block into two smaller memory blocks. There are four ways to enter the split point:



Block to Split

Block Name - Name of block being split (not editable)

Start Address - Start address of block being split (not editable)

End Address - New end address of the original block

Block Length - New length of original block

New Block

Block Name - Name of new block.  Default name will be provided, but it can be changed by editing this field

Start Address - Start address for the new split block

End Address - End address of the original block (not editable)

Block Length - Length of new split block

Overlay type blocks cannot be split. 

  Expand Up

Select Expand Up to bring up the Expand Block Up Dialog. The Expand Up action is enabled when exactly one memory block is selected.  Use the Expand Block Up Dialog to cause a memory block to grow by adding additional bytes BEFORE the memory block.  The block can be expanded by either entering a new start address or a new length.


New Start Address - A new start address (or Address Expression) can be entered here.  It must be before the current start address.

End Address - Displays the end address of the block (not editable).

Block Length - Displays the length of the block.  A new value can be entered here which will cause a corresponding change in the start address.

Overlay type blocks cannot be expanded. 

  Expand Down

Select Expand Down to bring up the Expand Block Down Dialog. The Expand Down action is enabled when exactly one memory block is selected.  Use the Expand Block Down Dialog to cause a memory block to grow by adding additional bytes AFTER the memory block. The block can be expanded by either entering a new end address or a new length.


Start Address - Displays the start address of the block (not editable).

New End Address - A new end address (or Address Expression) can be entered here. It must be after the current end address.

Block Length - Displays the length of the block.  A new value can be entered here which will cause a corresponding change in the end address.

Overlay type blocks cannot be expanded. 


The Merge action is enabled when two or more memory blocks are selected.  It attempts to merge all selected blocks into one block.  Any "gaps" will be "filled in" with 0s. 

Caution should be used because a VERY large memory block can be created if the memory blocks being merged are far apart in the address space.  Ghidra will display a warning if a really large block is about to be created.  Disregarding the warning may cause Ghidra to fail with an "out of memory" error.

Only adjacent Default blocks of the same initialization state can be merged.

Overlay type blocks cannot be merged.


The Delete action is enabled when one or more memory blocks are selected.  All selected blocks will be deleted. If the blocks contained defined data or instructions, a confirmation dialog is displayed; select "yes" on the dialog to delete the block. A progress dialog is displayed while the block is being deleted. 

For large blocks that may contain many symbols, references, instructions, etc., the delete operation may take a while to complete. You can cancel the delete operation at any time.

When removing an overlay memory block the corresponding overlay address space will also be removed if no other overlay blocks exist within that space.

  Set Image Base

The Set Image Base action allows you to change the base address of a program.  This action is useful when working with relocatable code such as DLLs or shared objects.  All addresses, code units, references, etc. will immediately be re-based relative to the new base address.

For example, given a program base at 0x01000000 with a memory block starting at address 0x01001000. If the base address was changed to 0xeeee0000, then the new start address of the memory block would become 0xeeee1000.

To change the image base, enter a new image base in the text field and click on the OK button.

Provided by: Memory Map Plugin