
Often, users need to navigate to specific locations in a program.  Ghidra provides several different ways to do this: 

Go To Address, Label, or Expression

To Perform a Go To: 

  1. In the menu-bar of a tool, select Navigation Go To...
  2. The Go To dialog will be displayed, as shown below:
  3. Enter either an address, label, expression, or file offset as specified below and press "OK"
  4. If the address, label, expression, or file offset is valid, the Code Browser will be repositioned to that location and the dialog will be dismissed
  5. If the address, label, expression, or file offset is not valid, the dialog will display an error message

Go To Address, Label, Expression, or File Offset Dialag

Go To Address

Enter an address into the text area of the dialog. The value entered will be assumed to be in hexadecimal. That is, "0x1000" and "1000" are the same value.

When the program has multiple address spaces and the destination address is ambiguous (based on the current location), a query results dialog will be displayed.

Consider the following examples:


A program with the following memory blocks which reside in different address spaces:

Name Start Address End Address
BLOCK1 BLOCK1:00000000 BLOCK1:0000ffff
BLOCK2 BLOCK2:00000000 BLOCK2:0000ffff
BLOCK3 BLOCK3:00000080 BLOCK3:0000ffff

Example #1 - Unambiguous address

  1. Set the current location to BLOCK1:00001000
  2. Goto address "5"
  3. The destination is not ambiguous:
    • The BLOCK1 block has an address "5" so the listing will move to address 5.

Example #2 - Ambiguous Address

  1. Set the current location to BLOCK3:00000080
  2. Goto address "5"
  3. The destination is ambiguous because:
    • The BLOCK3 block does not have an address "5"
    • Both the BLOCK1 and BLOCK2 blocks have an address "5" 
  4. A Query Results dialog will be displayed as shown in the image below.

Ambiguous Destination Address

Go To Label

Enter the name of an existing label into the text area of the dialog. 

Case Sensitive

By default, the values entered are case sensitive.  That is, "LAB1000" is not the same as "lab1000."  If you want to find both of these labels, turn off the case sensitive option.  If more than one match is found, they are displayed in a Query Results dialog.

Even if the case sensitive option is off, if a label has an exact match, no other labels will be found.

Dynamic Labels

This option only affects queries that could potentially result in multiple results, i.e when a search must be performed versus a lookup. This occurs when either the case sensitive is turned off or a wildcard is used. Specifically, this option tells Ghidra, when doing a search versus a direct lookup, to consider all the Dynamic symbols (symbols that are not stored, but are generated on the fly because of a reference to that location.) If this option is off, only defined labels are searched.

Turning off this option can result in significantly faster results in larger programs.

Go To File Offset

Enter file(n), where n is a file offset of the program's source file bytes (at time of import), into the text area of the dialog. The file offset entered will be assumed to be in decimal unless it is preceeded by 0x. That is, "file(0x1000)" and "file(1000)" are different values.

Ghidra does not support storing source file bytes for all file formats. Searching for a file offset in these programs will always yield no results.

When the program has multiple file byte sources and the destination address is ambiguous, a query results dialog will be displayed.

Go To Expression

Enter an arithmetic expression that can include addresses, symbols, or can be relative to the current location. All numbers are assumed to be hexadecimal. Supported operator are "+ - * / << >>".  Also, parentheses are supported to control order of expression evaluation.
For example:

ENTRY+10 Positions the cursor at the address 0x10 addresses past the symbol ENTRY
0x100000+30 Positions the cursor at address 0x100030
0x100000+(2*10) Positions the cursor at address 0x100020
+20 Positions the cursor at an address that is 0x20 past the current location

Executing a Query

A Query performs a case-insensitive search for all labels that match the criteria. A Query is specified using wildcards.

Using Wildcards

Wildcard characters ("?" or "*") can be used when searching for labels.  Wildcards are useful if you don't know the full label name or don't want to type the entire name.

Asterisk (*)

You can use the asterisk as a substitute for zero or more characters. 


If you're looking for a label that you know starts with "gloss", type the following:


The Go To Address or Label dialog will locate all labels that begin with "gloss" including Glossary.txt, Glossary.doc, and Glossy.doc. To narrow the search to a specific extension, type:


In this case, the Go To Address or Label dialog will find all labels that begin with gloss but have the extension .doc, such as Glossary.doc and Glossy.doc.

Question Mark (?)

Use the question mark as a substitute for a single character in a name. 

Example 1

If you typed gloss?.doc, the Go To Address or Label dialog would locate the label Glossy.doc or Gloss1.doc, but not Glossary.doc.

Example 2

Suppose that two of the labels in a program were FUN_0040816d and FUN_004081bd. A possible query string to match these two labels would be FUN_004081?d. The results of the query are displayed in a Query Results dialog, as shown below.

Query Results Dialog

Repeating a Previous Go To

Each time a Go To Label or a Query is performed, it is stored in the drop-down box as shown in the image below.

Previous Go to List

To repeat a previous Go To or Query:

  1. Select the item from the Enter an address or label: drop-down box
  2. Click the OK button

Error Messages

When a Go To or Query fails, an error message will be displayed in the status area of the dialog.

  1. Entering an invalid address or non-existing label
    • The dialog displays "This is not a query, label, or address."
  2. Specifying a query that has no results
    • The dialog displays "No results for ...", where "..." is the query string.

Provided by: Go To Address or Label plugin

Next/Previous Code Unit

The Next/Previous Code Unit feature allows the user to jump directly to the next or previous Instruction, Data, Undefined, Function or Non Function. The search starts at the current cursor location and proceeds either forward (next) or backwards (previous).

When searching for Instructions, Data or Undefined items, Ghidra will skip all contiguous items of the same type. For example, if the cursor is on an address with an Instruction, and you go to the next Instruction, then all Instructions immediately following the current one will be skipped until a non-Instruction is found. Once that non-instruction is found, then Ghidra will take you to the next Instruction after the address of that non-Instruction.

Search Direction

The down_arrow icon indicates the search will performed in the forward (next) direction, and the up_arrow icon indicates the search will be performed in the backward (previous) direction. To change the direction of the code unit search, toggle the arrow icon on the toolbar.

Alternatively, holding the SHIFT key when clicking a navigation button will temporarily invert the direction of the search.

Invert Search Logic

The down_arrow icon indicates the search logic will be inverted / negated. The exact meaning of this depends upon the type of search performed, as described below.

Navigate to Instruction

To move the cursor to the next instruction click on the Navigate by Instruction icon, I. This icon is disabled when no more instructions exist in the current search direction.

When inverted, this task, if on an instruction, will attempt to navigate to the next data or undefined data. If not on an instruction, then this task will find the next instruction and then find the data or undefined data after that.

Navigate to Data

To move the cursor to the next data code unit, click on the Navigate by Data icon, D. This icon is disabled when no more data code units exist in the current search direction.

When inverted, this task, if on a data code unit, will attempt to navigate to the next instruction or undefined data. If not on a data, then this task will find the next defined data and then find the instruction or undefined data after that.

Navigate to Undefined

To move the cursor to the next undefined code unit, click on the Navigate by Data icon, U. This icon is disabled when no more undefined code units exist in the current search direction.

When inverted, this task, if on an undefined code unit, will attempt to navigate to the next instruction or data. If not on an undefined, then this task will find the next undefined and then find the instruction or data after that.

Navigate to Label

To move the cursor to the next Label, click on the Navigate by Label icon, L.

When inverted, this task, if on an address with a label, will attempt to navigate to the next code unit without a label. If not on an address with a label, then this task will find the next label and then find the next code unit after that without a label.

Navigate to Function

This (F) action will move the cursor to the next function in the current direction. If inside a function and the direction is towards lower addresses, then this action will go to the current function's entry point.

When inverted, this task (F) will attempt to the navigate to the next instruction block not contained in a function. This can be useful when manually creating functions and stepping over them to identify potential function candidates.

Navigate to Matching Byte Values

This task (V) will attempt to navigate to the next matching byte pattern of the code unit under the cursor.

When inverted, this task will attempt to the navigate to the first code-unit where the byte value is different from the byte value of the first byte of the current code unit. This can be useful when trying to navigate past a series of 0s or FFs

Navigate to Bookmark

To move the cursor to the next bookmark, click on the Navigate by Bookmark icon, B. You may use the pull-down menu to choose a specific type of bookmark (B, B, B, B, B, B) to navigate to as opposed to all types.

When inverted, this task will attempt to navigate to then next address with a bookmark different than what is selected in the pull-down menu of the icon. If the 'all bookmarks' state is selected, then this task will simply navigate to the next address that has no bookmark.


Provided by: Go To Next-Previous Code Unit plugin

Next/Previous Function

Navigating to the next or previous function is a commonly used feature. As such, separate actions have been created so that keybindings can be assigned for each direction.

Next Function

This action navigates the cursor to the closest function entry point that is at an address greater than the current address. The default keybinding is Control-Down Arrow.

Previous Function

This action navigates the cursor to the closest function entry point that is at an address less than the current address. The default keybinding is Control-Up Arrow.

Provided by: CodeBrowser plugin

Navigation History

As the user performs various types of navigations, the current location is pushed onto the navigation history stack.  The navigation history feature allows the user to revisit previous locations.

Go To Next/Previous Location

To traverse the history stack:

  1. In the tool-bar, click either the Go to previous location ( ) button or the Go to next location () button
  2. The Code Browser will be repositioned to the saved location

Some Operations that add to the navigation history:

The button is only enabled after performing a

Go To Next/Previous Function in History

These actions allow you to navigate to the next/previous functions in the history list, skipping over any locations that are not in functions or are in the current function.

The behavior of the previous action will vary slightly depending upon what component is focused. It is possible for a non-Listing view to be showing a function that is not the current function in the Listing. In this case, if the Listing has focus, then the previously visited function will be the navigation destination. Alternatively, if a non-Listing widget (e.g., the Decompiler) has focus and is showing a function, then that function being displayed will be ignored when navigating to the previous function.

Clear History

To clear the navigation history stack, select Navigation Clear History

After clearing the history, the  and buttons are disabled

Provided by: Next/Previous plugin

Component Provider Navigation

This section lists actions that allow the user to navigate between component providers.

Go To Last Active Component

Allows the user to switch focus back to the previously focused component provider.

Provided by: ProviderNavigation plugin

Navigation Options

'Go To' in Current Program Only - 'Go To' service will only search for and navigate to locations in the current program. If this option is off and the search location is not found in the current program, the 'Go To' action will search other open programs, possibly resulting in the listing view switching to a different open program tab. By default, this option is on, thereby guaranteeing that the listing view will not change to a different program when performing a 'Go To' action.

External Navigation - Determines the behavior for navigation to external symbols and references. By default, navigating to an external will attempt to navigate within the current program to the first linkage reference (pointer or thunk). Alternatively, if an external program has been associated with an import Library, then that program will be opened and positioned to the selected external location if found.

Follow Indirection - Determines the behavior for navigation on indirect flow references. By default, this option is disabled providing navigation to the referenced pointer data. If enabled, the pointer will be followed to its referenced destination if contained within the program's memory.

Prefer Current Address Space - Determines if the 'Go To' action prefers the current address space when entering address offsets. For example, if your program has multiple address spaces such as 'RAM' or 'DATA' and you enter 1000 into the 'Go To' field, you could mean RAM:1000 or DATA:1000. If this option is on, then it will go to the address with the address space that matches the current cursor location. Otherwise, it will show a list of possible addresses for the given offset. The default is on for this option.

Range Navigation - Determines how navigation of ranges (i.e., selection ranges and highlight ranges) takes place. By default, navigating to ranges will place the cursor at the top of the next range. You may use this option to navigate to both the top and the bottom of each range being navigated.

Starting Program Location Options

The starting location for newly opened programs can be configured using the following options:

Start At - Choose a starting program location option:

Start Symbols - A comma separated list of symbol names to be be used as the starting location for the program if the "Preferred Symbol Name" option is selected above. The first matching symbol found will be used as the starting location for newly opened programs.

Use Underscores - If selected, each of the preferred symbols listed above will also be searched for with either one or two underscores prepended to the name. For example, if selected, it will search for "_main" and "__main" in addition to "main" when trying to find a starting symbol.

Initial Analysis Navigation Options

These options control the behavior of the tool after the initial analysis has completed.

Ask To Reposition Program - If selected, the user will be prompted if they would like the program to be positioned to any newly discovered starting symbols as specified in the Start Symbols option.

Auto Reposition If Not Moved - If selected, the program will automatically be reposition to any newly discovered starting symbols as specified in the Start Symbols option, provided the user has not manually moved the cursor off the starting location address. If they have manually moved the cursor, then the behavior will revert to the setting of the "Ask To Reposition Program" option above.

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