Search for Scalars locates scalar operands and values in the current program. The search is based on a value entered as hex or decimal numbers. The scalar can be in instructions, data, or structures.
- From the Tool, select Search
For Scalars...
- Select "Scalars in Range:" or "Specific Scalar:".
- Once the search type is selected, enter scalars into the value fields in either decimal or hexadecimal (0x...) notation.
- Choose "Search" to begin the search.
Once a value is entered in a text field, Ctrl+M toggles the value display between the decimal and hex representation of the value in that field.
Search Type
Scalars in Range
Search the program for all scalars within the given range.
Specific Scalar
Search the program for all instances of one scalar value.
Selection Scope
Search All
The search will search all memory in the program.
Search Selection
The search will be restricted to the current selection in the tool. This option is only enabled if there is a selection in the tool.
Scalar Table
After the user begins a scalar search, the plugin will display a results table to the user. The table shows the address of the scalar, a preview of the item at that address, the scalar in Hex, and the scalar in signed decimal as shown in the image below:
Each element of the table is a scalar found in either data or an instruction in the program. Any new code units containing scalars added to the program will automatically appear in the table.
To bring up the Scalar Table, choose Window
Scalar Table from the tool's menu. This table can be docked in the tool if desired.
The Scalar Table contains the following default columns:
- Location - displays the address of the code unit containing the scalar.
- Preview - displays the code unit containing the scalar.
- Hex - displays the scalar as an unsigned hex number.
- Decimal (Signed) - displays the scalar as a decimal number.
- Function Name - displays the name of the function containing the scalar.
- Decimal (Unsigned) - displays the scalar as a decimal number (this column is hidden by default).
- Bits - displays the number of bits required to store the scalar value (this column is hidden by default).
- Signedness - displays whether the scalar is signed or unsigned (this column is hidden by default).
Scalar Table Filters
The scalar table has the following filters at the bottom of the table:
- Text Filter - allows you to filter based on any text in the table.
- Range Filter - allows you to filter on a range of scalars based upon their signed value.
- Column Filter - allows you to filter on specific column values.
Make Selection
See Make Selection
Selection Navigation
Remove Items
See Remove Items
Provided by: ScalarTablePlugin