Ghidra supports the concept of a project repository such that files in the repository can be versioned. Versioning allows you to track file changes over the life of the project. The repository supports check out, check in, version history, and viewing what is checked out. When you check in your file, a new version is created. The project repository can be used with or without a Ghidra Server. If the project is associated with a Ghidra Server, the project is shared, meaning that the files in the project are accessible by multiple users concurrently. The Project Access List defines which users are allowed to access the shared repository. When you create a new project, you can specify whether it should be associated with a Ghidra Server.
For projects that are not shared, all files and versions are managed locally in your project directory. For the shared project repository, files are maintained on the Ghidra Server. When you check out a file, a file is created locally in your project directory. When you check in a file, it is merged (if necessary) with the latest version to create a new version. Merging is necessary only for shared project repositories, as with a non-shared project, the version you checked out is always the latest version.
When you open a shared project, Ghidra attempts to connect to the server that is associated with the shared project. Depending on what user authentication mode the server is using, you may have to enter a password. If the server is not running, you are still able to work with your checked out files while you are offline. Other versioned files not checked out are not accessible. When the server comes up, Ghidra will reconnect as necessary. You can also attempt to connect "manually" by selecting the connection status button
on the Ghidra Project Window or on the Project Info dialog. When the connection is successful, the connection status button changes to
If you lose the connection to the server after having started Ghidra, shared files not checked out "disappear" from the Ghidra Project Window, as they are unavailable. Private files remain intact and are not affected by the server connection.
You are authenticated only once per Ghidra session; so if you open other project repositories managed by the same Ghidra Server, you will be prompted only once for a password, as required.
Troubleshooting a Failed Connection
If you fail to connect to the Ghidra Server, check the following:
- Verify that the client machine can "ping" the server machine.
- Verify that you are attempting to login using the correct authentication mode.
- Verify that the Ghidra Server administrator has added you as a user on the server.
- If the server is using Ghidra Password authentication, you may need to have your password reset to "changeme" by the Ghidra Server administrator.
- Verify the host name and port of the Ghidra Server.
- Verify that the Ghidra Server is running: from a command window, type
telnet [host] [port]
If the server is not listening on that port, you will get a failed connection message from telnet.
Except for merging, accessing version control features is the same regardless of whether your project repository is shared.
Add to Version Control
Add a file (or multiple files at once) to version control by selecting the file in the Ghidra Project Window. You can either click on the tool bar icon,
, or right mouse click and choose the Add to Version Control... option. A dialog is displayed so that you can add comments about the file.
Leave the checkbox selected for Keep File Checked Out so that you do not have check out the file after you have added it to version control. This checkbox will be selected and disabled automatically if you have the file open. The Apply to All button allows you to associate the same comment for multiple files that you are adding to version control. After you add the file, the Ghidra Project Window indicates the file's check out state and version.
This image shows that the file "Program_A" is associated with a shared project (note the blue border on the file icon), and you are now working with version 1 of 1. The file "Program_B" has not been added to version control (note the plain icon and no version information). It is considered to be a "private" file. Private files are never visible to other users.
A normal checkout is indicated by a checkmark with a green background
, while an exclusive checkout is is indicated by checkmark with a blue background
. A checkmark with a red background
indicates that a newer version has been checked-in by another user.
A tool tip on the file (let the mouse pointer hover over it) shows the date the file was checked out, and the date that is was last modified. An asterisk will appear on the file icon to indicate that changes have been made but not checked in.
Check Out
To check out a file, select the file in the Ghidra Project Window. You can either either click on the check out icon
on the tool bar, or right mouse click on the file and choose the Check Out... option.
If your project repository is shared, a dialog is displayed to allow you to request an exclusive lock on the file. An exclusive lock is necessary if you plan to manipulate the memory map in any way, e.g., move or delete memory blocks, change the program's language, etc. An exclusive lock can be granted if no other user has the file checked out. While the exclusive lock exists, no other user can check out the file.
The exclusive lock is implied for a non-shared project repository.
Check In
After you have made your changes and saved them, you are ready to check in your file. (You cannot check in a file that was not changed.) The check in creates a new version for this file. To check in the file, select the file in the Ghidra Project Window. You can either click on the check in icon
on the tool bar, or right mouse click and select the Check In... option.
icon is also available from the tool where you have the file opened.
A dialog is displayed so that you can enter comments that describe your changes.
The checkbox for Keep File Checked Out is selected and disabled automatically if you still have the file open. If the file is closed and you plan to create more versions, leave the checkbox selected for Keep File Checked Out. The checkbox for Create ".keep" file is selected by default; this option causes a copy of the file that you are checking in to be created on your local file system.
In a shared project repository, when you check in your file, the changes in your file may have to be merged into the latest version on the server. This will be the case if another user checks in a file since you did a checkout on the file. Under most conditions, the merge will be automatic without any intervention required on your part. However, if you made changes such that a conflict arises, you will have to resolve the conflict at the time of check in. When another user checks in his file, you will see navigation markers for changes made since you checked out your file. Potential conflicts are indicated in red. Refer to the Merge page for more information about merging.
Undo Checkout
You may want to undo your checkout such that you lose all your changes, and your file reverts to the latest version on the server.
To undo a checkout:
- Close the checked out file.
- Select the checked out file in the Ghidra Project Window.
- You can either click on the undo checkout icon
in the tool bar, or right mouse click on the selected file and choose the Undo Checkout option. If you had made changes to the file, a dialog is displayed confirm the undo check out.
If the checkbox on the dialog is selected, then a private file is created with a ".keep" extension on the filename. The checkbox is selected by default.
If you have the file open in the Code Browser when you attempt to undo the check out, you will get an error dialog indicating that the file is in use. You must close the file first, then undo check out.
While you are working on a program in a shared project repository, you may want to periodically update your program to receive any changes made by others who are working in the same shared project repository. Use the Update... option to bring your copy into sync with the latest version of the program in the repository. If your changes conflict with those made in the latest version, you will be prompted to merge changes from the latest version into your program.
Consider this scenario: Suppose you are working on version 4 of 5 of a program. The "5" indicates that there are 5 versions of the program in the repository. The "4" indicates that your working copy of the program is based on the version "4" version that you checked out from the repository. (To see the version numbers for your programs, check the file's status in the Ghidra Project Window data tree). When you update, you will update to the latest version in the repository (5). After the update is complete, your file status will show "Version 5 of 5" just as though you had checked out version 5. The Update... option allows you to have the latest changes applied to your program without your having to check in your file.
To update your current program either select the program in the Ghidra Project Window and click on the update icon
in the tool bar, or right mouse click and choose the Update... option. The Update option is only enabled when the latest version number on the server is greater than the version that you checked out.
icon is also available from the tool where you have the file opened.
The update action is not applicable in a non-shared project repository.
Undo Hijack
A file becomes "hijacked" when it exists locally as a private file in your project and a file of the same name exists in the repository. This will happen when user another adds a file to version control while you have a private file of the same name in your shared project. It can also happen if your checkout of the file is terminated. The file icon in the Ghidra Project Window changes to indicate that it is hijacked. To undo the hijack:
- Close the file if you have it open.
- Right mouse click on the hijacked file(s) in the Ghidra Project Window .
- Select Undo Hijack.... The following dialog is displayed to confirm the undo hijack.
Deselect the checkbox next to the name if you do not want to undo the hijack for that file. The checkbox, Save copy of the file with a .keep extension, is selected by default; if the checkbox is selected, a .keep file will be created. In this example, you would see SharedProgram.exe.keep in your project data tree after you select the OK button. The checkbox selection applies to all the files that you have selected for the undo hijack.
To show the history on any versioned file, right mouse click on the file in the Ghidra Project Window, and select the Show History... option. The table shows the date on which the version was created, the user that created it, and the comments describing the version.
View Version
To view any version in the history, select the version, right mouse click and choose the Open With
<tool> where <tool> denotes a menu item for each tool in your tool chest. The version is read only and is opened in the selected tool. The filename shown in the title of the tool indicates the version number, e.g., "SharedProgram.exe@10 [Read Only]" indicates you are viewing version 10 of SharedProgram.exe. You can make changes to the file, but you must save it to a new name.
Other ways to open a specific version in a tool are:
- Drag a version from the Version History dialog to a running tool, the running tool's icon, or to a tool icon in the tool chest.
- If you have a default tool specified, double click on the version that you want to open.
- Choose the File
Open... option; the Open Program dialog is displayed; from this dialog you can select a version to open.
You can delete the first and last version if you are the owner, or if you are an administrator in the project, and if the file is not checked out. If the user who has the file checked out is not available to either undo his checkout or check in his file, the administrator may terminate the checkout in order to delete the version.
To view a list of who has a file checked out, right mouse click on the file in the Ghidra Project Window, and select the View Checkouts... option.
The Checkout Date is when you checked out the file; the Version is the version number of the file that you have checked out.
If you have administrative privileges in the project repository, you can terminate the checkout. Right mouse click on the version and choose the Terminate Checkout option. A dialog is displayed to confirm the terminate checkout action. The administrator may need to do this if users who have files checked out are no longer working on the project. If your checkout is terminated, the file becomes hijacked.
To view a list of all the files that you have checked out in a folder and all of its subfolders, select a folder, right mouse click and choose Find Checkouts.... In the sample image below, all checkouts from the root project directory (pathname of "/") are displayed; one file from the "TestFiles" folder is checked out.
Name is the name of the file;. Pathname is the complete path to the file. Checkout Date is when you checked out the file. Version is the version number of the file that you have checked out.
From this dialog, you can check in your files or undo your checkout. Make a selection in the table, right mouse click and choose Check In... or Undo Checkout. You can also click on the toolbar icon
to check in, or click on the icon
to undo the check out.