Function Graph Layouts

Nested Code Layout

The nested code layout use the Decompiler to arrange the code blocks of a function in a way that mimics the nesting of the source code as seen in the decompiled function. As an example, any code block that must pass through an if statement will be nested below and to the right of the code block that contains the conditional check. The nested code block is dominated by the block containing the conditional check--code flow can only reach the nested block by passing through the block above it. Also, code blocks that represent a default code flow will be aligned to the left and below other code blocks in the function. This layout allows the user to quickly see the dominating relationships between code blocks.

The edges leaving a code block are labeled with the type of high-level conditional statement (e.g., if, if/else, etc) used to determine code flow.

By default, edges are routed such that they are grouped together such that any edges returning to a shared code block will overlap. This reduces visual clutter at the expense of being able to visually follow individual edges to their vertices. Another consequence of this routing is that sometimes edges will travel behind unrelated vertices, again, making it difficult to visually follow these edges. The edge routing can be changed via the options below.

Nested Code Layout Options

The Route Edges Around Vertices option triggers this layout to route edges around any vertex that would otherwise touch that edge. (See above for notes on how edges are routed for this layout.)

The Use Dim Return Edges option makes default code block return flow edges lighter than conditional edges. This makes it easier for users to scan the graph and ignore return flows.

Flow Chart Layout

This layout organizes the code blocks into a tree structure with each parent vertex in the tree being centered over its children. Edges are routed orthongally with minimal edge crossings.

Flow Chart Layout (Left)

This layout is the same as the Flow Chart Layout, except parent nodes are place directly above their left most child.

Provided by: Function Graph Plugin