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The Function Call Graph Plugin is a simple graph display that shows incoming and outgoing calls (as edges) for the function containing the current address, also known as the Source Function, in the Listing. This display provides some context for how a function is used within the program. The functions are organized by Level.
To show the Function Call Graph provider window, select the Window
Function Call Graph option on the tool menu.
The graph of function calls related to the source function being displayed can be explored by adding existing function calls to the initial graph display.
The graph updates itself as you navigate within the tool. To prevent losing graph state (e.g., expanded functions, node locations, etc), a small number of graphs will be cached. For example, if you navigate away from a function and then immediately return, the graph will be restored to its previous state.
- Source Function: the function that contains the current address in the Listing. This function is considered the center of the graph, with all other callers/callees added to the graph at a new level.
- Level: Each function node in the graph belongs to a level. The source function is at level 1; the source function's incoming calls are at level 2; the source function's outgoing calls are also at level 2. Organizing functions by level allows the user to quickly see how many hops, or calls, a given function is from the source function.
New levels of calls can be added to the graph by the user.
- Direction: Each function node, other than the source function, is considered to be in one of two directions: In or Out. All function nodes in a given level share the same direction. So, all nodes that directly call the source function node are considered to be the In direction; all nodes directly called by the source function are considered to be the Out direction.
When a given node's level is expanded in the graph, the nodes added are based upon the selected node's direction: for In nodes, the newly added nodes will be those nodes that call the selected node; for Out nodes, the newly added nodes will be those nodes called by the selected node.
- Direct Edges: An edge (a call) between two adjacent levels.
- Indirect Edges: An edge (a call) between two non-adjacent levels or an edge within the same level. These edges are rendered with less emphasis than direct edges.
Show/Hide Edges Action
Within the Function Call Graph you can show and hide function calls as desired. Showing additional function calls can be accomplished multiple ways. From any function node, you can select the Expand icon (
), which appears on a node when hovered. When clicked, this button will toggle related function calls: showing them if not already in the graph; hiding them if they are in the graph.
Additionally, these same functionality is provided from the popup menu actions (i.e., Show/Hide Incoming Edges and Show/Hide Outgoing Edges).
As new vertices are added to the graph, any indirect edges will be added to the graph.
Note here how new vertices may appear in odd places when expanding (such as when they are already in the graph at a previous level).
It is important to understand that the graph is only a subset of the entire program graph. This graph does not represent all functions and function calls in the program.
Sometimes a function may have too many references to display in the graph. When this happens, the function node will be a gray color, with the expand icon replaced with a warning icon, as so:
Show/Hide Level Edges Action
All functions that relate to the Level of the selected function will be shown, not just calls to the selected function.
Navigate on Incoming Location Changes
This action (
), when toggled on, upon receiving Program Location changes from the tool, will graph the function containing that location. When toggled off, location changes will not affect the graph.
Having this action on is useful if you wish to quickly see the graph of different functions as you navigate the program. Alternatively, having this action off is useful when you wish to explore the program by navigating from within the graph, say by double-clicking function nodes in the graph.
Layout Action
This action (
) will relayout the current graph and reset the graph to show only the initial nodes.
Graph 'Function Name'
This action is available from the popup menu of any node that is not the currently graphed node. When pressed, this action will graph the clicked function.
Satellite View
The Satellite View provides an overview of the graph. From this view you may also perform basic adjustment of the overall graph location. In addition to the complete graph, the satellite view contains a lens (the white rectangle) that indicates how much of the current graph fits into the primary view.
When you single left mouse click in the satellite view the graph is centered around the corresponding point in the primary view. Alternatively, you may drag the lens of the satellite view to the desired location by performing a mouse drag operation on the lens.
You may hide the satellite view by right-clicking anywhere in the Primary View and deselecting the Display Satellite View toggle button from the popup menu.
If the Primary View is painting sluggishly, then hiding the Satellite View cause the Primary View to be more responsive.
Detached Satellite
The Satellite View is attached, or docked, to the Primary View by default. However, you can detach, or undock, the Satellite View, which will put the view into a Component Provider, which itself can be moved, resized and docked anywhere in the Tool you wish.
To undock the Satellite View, right-click in the graph and deselect the Dock Satellite View menu item.
To re-dock the Satellite View, right-click in the graph and select the Dock Satellite View menu item.
To reshow the Satellite View if it is hidden, whether docked or undocked, you can press the
button. This button is in the lower-right hand corner of the graph and is only visible if the Satellite View is hidden or undocked.
Docked Satellite Location
When the Satellite View is attached, or docked, to the Primary View, you can choose which corner to show the satellite view. To change the corner, right-click in the graph, select Docked Satellite Position and then select the appropriate sub-menu for the desired corner.
The Scroll Wheel Pans option signals to move the graph vertical when scrolling the mouse scroll wheel. Disabling this option restores the original function graph scroll wheel behavior of zooming when scrolled.
The Use Animation option signals to the graph whether to animate mutative graph operations and navigations.
The Use Condensed Layout option signals to the graph to bring vertices as close together as possible when laying out the graph. Using this option to fit as many vertices on the screen as possible. Disable this option to make the overall layout of the graph more aesthetic.
The Use Mouse-relative Zoom option signals zoom the graph to and from the mouse location when zooming from the middle-mouse. The default for this option is off, which triggers zoom to work from the center of the graph, regardless of the mouse location.
The View Settings option describes how the graph will be zoomed when it is first loaded. The values are:
- Start Fully Zoomed Out - always start fully zoomed out so that the entire graph can be seen.
- Start Fully Zoomed In - always start fully zoomed in on the vertex containing the current location.
- Remember User Settings - keep the zoom level where the user previously left it.
There are various edge color and highlight color options available to change. The highlight colors are those to be used when the flow animations take place.
Provided by: Function Call Graph Plugin