Program Differences

The Code Browser can be used to view a second program alongside the tool's program to determine the differences between them. This is called a Program Diff. The Program Diff highlights code units in the second program to indicate there is a difference. Highlighted code units in the second program can then have their differences applied to the tool's program causing it to change. The ultimate goal is to apply some or all of the differences from the second program to the tool's program in order to get another user's changes into your program.

Opening and Closing the Diff View

The Open/Close Diff View icon in the Code Browser tool bar is used for both opening and closing a second program in the Code Browser Diff panel. This is one of two ways to open the Diff tool. The other is the menu action, Tools -> Program Differences... which is described later under Viewing Program Differences.

When there is only a single program displayed in the Code Browser, select the Open Diff View icon in the tool bar above the program to open a program for Diff. You will be prompted to select the second program and then prompted for Diff settings just as when viewing program differences .

When you are done working with program differences and the second program, select the icon in the tool bar above the second program. The second program and the associated Diff are closed and the Code Browser returns to displaying only the tool's program.

Bring Diff View to Front
If you navigate away from the current diff session to another program tab, then clicking the action will make the diff session be the active program tab.

Viewing Program Differences

A Diff can be opened from the menu action, Tools -> Program Differences... . This is one of two ways to open the Diff tool. The other is the Open/Close Diff View icon in the Code Browser tool bar which is described above in Opening and Closing the Diff View. The following describes using the menu action to open the Diff tool.

With a program open in the Code Browser tool, do the following to view a second program's differences.

  1. From the Code Browser, select Tools -> Program Differences... .
  2. The Select Other Program dialog is displayed.

  1. From the Select Other Program dialog select the second program to be viewed and compared with the tool's program.
    The second program must have the same address spaces defined. In other words, they should be the same type of program (i.e. based on the same program language).
    If you wish to Diff against a specific version of a versioned program, a specific version may be selected from the Version History table. The project file history panel is displayed when the History>> button is clicked. Select the versioned program from the tree. Next select the desired version of the program from the Version History table on the right side of the dialog.

    If you wish to Diff against another program which is already open in the same tool you can select a compatible program from the Open Programs tab. Programs which are not compatible (e.g., different architecture) are not shown in the table. The Open Programs tab is not available if compatible open programs are not found. You may return to the project file tree selection panel by clicking the Project Files tab.

  2. Click the OK button.
  3. The Determine Program Differences dialog is displayed. This dialog is displayed whenever you are going to determine the differences between two programs. To get all the differences between the two programs make sure all the check boxes in the Do Differences On area have checks and the check box in the Address Ranges To Diff should not have a check as shown here.

The check boxes allow you to limit the types of differences that are determined and where differences are determined in the program. To learn more, see Determine Program Differences Dialog.

  1. Click the OK button to determine the differences.
  2. An In Progress dialog appears while the differences are being determined. Upon completion the dialog disappears and the code unit's in the second program where differences exist will be highlighted.

The selected program is displayed as the second program in the browser. Only the portion of the second program that matches the address set of the current view is displayed. Highlighted code units in the second program indicate where there are differences.

The following illustrates a Program Diff where differences between two programs are highlighted.

The tool's program, that will be modified by the Diff, is displayed on the left-hand-side of the Code Browser. The second program, where the differences to apply are obtained, is displayed on the right-hand-side. Markers in the right margin of the second program give an indication of all the positions in the current view where there are differences between the two programs. The view of both programs is still controlled by the program tree for the tool's program. In other words, the second program's view will only show addresses that match those viewed for the tool's program.
Notice that the difference highlights are light orange above. The selected difference is green. These are only the default colors. They can be changed from the tool's Options dialog (Edit -> Options..., open the Listing Fields folder, and select Selection Colors, double click on the Difference color).

Blank space is added to each program as necessary to align the addresses between the two programs. The vertical or horizontal scrollbar of either program causes both programs to scroll in a synchronized manner. Also, changing the cursor location in one program, changes it in the other program.

The Program Diff colors the two programs where they differ. These differences can then be applied individually from the second program to the tool's program. Applying a difference changes the tool's program so it matches the second program where it was different previously. The ultimate goal is to apply some or all of the differences from the second program to the tool's program.

Program Diff is most commonly used to compare different users' copies of the same program. With versioned programs, it can also be used to determine differences against an older version of the same program. When working on a project as a team, each person can make changes to his own copy of a program file. The Program Diff can then be used to determine where the programs differ. Changes that another team member has in his program can be merged into yours by applying the difference.

The toolbar above the displayed programs provides buttons for use with a Program Diff. Click on the icon below to go to the help section that gives details of that feature.

Apply the selected differences from the second program to the tool's program.
Apply the selected difference and go to the next highlighted difference block.
Ignore the selected differences and go to the next highlighted difference block.
Show the details of the differences between the programs at the current cursor location.
Go to the next highlighted difference block.
Go to the previous highlighted difference block.
Display the Program Difference Settings dialog.
Determine the differences between the programs.
Open/Close the second program and the Program Diff.

Determine Program Differences Dialog

Whenever you initiate a Program Diff the Determine Program Differences dialog allows you to control the following settings:

Pressing the OK button will check the indicated addresses for differences. It then highlights the code units in the second program where differences were found. While the Program Diff is determining the differences, an In Progress dialog is displayed. Pressing the Cancel button will remove the Determine Program Differences dialog without performing the Program Diff.

If the two programs being compared are large, determining program differences can be time consuming. If you are not interested in all of the differences in the program, you can reduce the amount of time required to determine differences by removing some types of differences being determined or by determining differences on just a portion of a program.

Do Differences On

The Do Differences On area specifies the types of differences that will be determined. Placing a check in a box indicates that this type of difference should be detected.

Bytes - detect any code units that have memory bytes that differ between the programs being compared.

Labels - detect any code units where the labels differ.

Possible label differences are:

  • More labels at a code unit in one program than the other
  • Labels named differently
  • Different labels could be marked as the primary label
  • Same named label, but with different scope (parent namespace). For example, one program's label is local to a function and the other label is a global label.
  • Same named label, but with different source. For example, one program's label was named by default and the other label was named by the user.
  • One program's code unit with a label could be an entry point and the other program code unit is not an entry point

Code Units - detect any code units where the code unit or equates differ.

Possible code unit differences are:

  • Different instructions.
  • Instruction in one program and Data in the other program at the same address.
  • Different equates on the instruction in each program.
  • Different data types when data is defined in both programs at an address.

References - detect any code units where the references differ.

Possible reference differences are:

  • One program has a reference and the other doesn't.
  • References are not to the same address.
  • References are not on the same operand or mnemonic.
  • References types (Memory, Stack, External) are different.

Program Context - detect any code units where the values of the program context registers differ.
If the two programs contexts don't have the same registers defined, the program context is disabled and can't be compared between the programs.

Comments - detect any code units where the comments differ.

Possible comment types are:

  • End of Line Comment
  • Pre-Comment
  • Post-Comment
  • Plate Comment
  • Repeatable Comment

The difference could be that a comment exists in one program and not the other. It could also be that the text of a particular comment type is not exactly the same for the two programs.

Bookmarks - detect any code units where bookmarks differ.

Properties - detect any code units where User Defined Properties differ.

Functions - detect any code units where the functions differ.

Possible differences are:

  • Function in one program and not in the other.
  • Function comment differs.
  • Addresses that make up the function body differs.
  • Function signature differs. (Function name, return type, or parameters differ.)
  • Parameters differ by name, data type, size or offset.
  • Local variables differ by name, data type, size, or offset.
  • Stack offset differs.
  • Stack Frame size differs.
  • Whether or not the stack grows in a negative direction.
  • Function tags differ.

Source Map - detect any addresses where the source map information is different.

When the Determine Program Differences dialog is initially displayed, all the Differences check boxes are checked. This indicates that all the types of differences will be detected and displayed.

Address Ranges To Diff

The Address Ranges To Diff area indicates the address ranges where program differences will be determined. If the two programs have different address sets, then only the addresses that the two programs have in common can be compared. The addresses where differences are determined can also be limited to a set of addresses that are selected in the tool's program.

Limit To Selection

If there is a selection in the tool's program when you determine differences, the address set where differences are determined can be limited to the addresses in the selection. Selecting the Limit To Selection box, limits the differences to the selection's addresses.

Diff and Multiple Program Tabs

Only one Program Diff can be performed at a time. However, you can view another program using the tabs in the Listing View while a Program Diff is active. This will not terminate the current Diff. The Diff will reappear when you change back to the tab for the program that the Program Diff is being performed on.

While a Program Diff is active, the Diff View icon  is visually pressed down. If the Diff is being performed on a program that is not being actively displayed (in a tab other than the current tab), then pressing the Diff View icon  will bring the tab containing the Diff to the front. 
If you attempt to start a Diff using Tools Program Differences... in the tool menu and a Diff is already being performed, the status bar will indicate the name of the program that currently has a Diff.

A Program Diff is terminated by any of the following:

Hovering the mouse over the Diff View icon provides a tooltip indicating whether the current action is Open Diff View, Close Diff View, or Bring Diff View to Front.

Diff Apply Settings

The Diff Apply Settings dockable component allows you to control which types of differences get applied from the second program to the tool's program, and how each type gets applied.

For each type of difference, you can select one of the following apply settings:

The following types of differences are controlled by the Diff Apply Settings.

Bookmarks - all categories of bookmarks.


Code Units - includes code units (instructions & data) and equates.

Comments - Plate, Pre, End-of-line, Repeatable, & Post comments.

Functions - functions (includes their associated stack frames).
& Function Tags

Labels - labels or symbols.

Program Context - program context register values.

Properties - user defined properties that have been added to the program by plugins.

References - Memory, External, & Stack references.

The Diff Apply Settings toolbar has a Save as Default icon  to save your current Diff Apply Settings to the tool as your new defaults. When you select it, the current Diff Apply Settings values are set to the default Diff Apply Settings. Whenever you start a new Diff, the current Diff Apply Settings will get set to the default settings for that Program Diff. If you determine the program differences again for an existing Diff using the Determine Program Differences icon , the current Diff Apply Settings will not be affected by the defaults.
The Default Diff Apply Settings can also be set by changing the Diff Default Apply Settings tool options .

The Diff Apply Settings toolbar menu also has actions for changing all the apply settings at once. They are:

Getting New Differences

There are several reasons to get new program differences.

When a second program is already displayed in the Code Browser tool, do the following to determine new program differences between that program and the tool's program.

  1. From the toolbar above the second program, select the Get Differences button.
    Press the right mouse in the second program area. From the popup menu, select Get Differences....

  2. The Determine Program Differences dialog is displayed.
  3. From the dialog, select the types of differences to be determined and the addresses to check for differences.
  4. Click the OK button.

An In Progress dialog appears while the program differences are being determined. When it is done determining the differences, the dialog is removed and the differences are highlighted in the second program.

Limiting the Diff to the Browser Selection

The Limit to Selection box in the Program Difference Settings dialog can be selected whenever a Program Diff is started while there is a selection in the tool's program in the Code Browser. When the box is checked the differences will only be determined for addresses in that selection. This limits the differences being highlighted and manipulated by the Program Diff to only those that are in a specific set of code units in the program. To limit the Program Diff select the target code units in the tool's program in the browser and check the Limit to Selection check box in the Program Difference Settings dialog. Notice that the Address Ranges To Diff area changes as you check or uncheck the Limit to Selection box. It switches between the addresses in common between the two programs and those in the selection.

Once you press the OK button on the Program Difference Settings dialog, the Program Diff is performed against the indicated address ranges (address set). You can make a selection in the tool's program before initiating the Get Differences to get differences against a different address set.

Navigating Differences

When viewing program differences in the CodeBrowser, you can navigate on difference blocks. A difference block is a contiguous group of one or more highlighted code units in the second program. A difference block can be a single code unit where a difference was found if the code unit before and after it did not have a difference. There can be multiple code units in a difference block when each of the code units next to each other has a difference. To move to the next/previous code unit in a highlighted block use the up and down arrow keys on the keyboard or click the mouse on the desired code unit.

Next Difference

Selecting the Next Difference button moves the current location in the Program Diff to the next difference block.

If only part of the program is in the current view, the next difference may be outside the current view of the program. If this is so, then navigating will add the fragment, with the next difference, to the view.

Previous Difference

Selecting the Previous Difference button moves the current location in the Program Diff to the previous difference block.

If only part of the program is in the current view, the previous difference may be outside the current view of the program. If this is so, then navigating will add the fragment, with the previous difference, to the view.

Marker Margin

Clicking on a difference marker in the right margin will navigate to that difference.

Some of the difference markers may overlap in the right margin. Therefore, it is best to use the markers for navigation to a region where there are differences and then use the Next Difference or Previous Difference buttons to navigate to the next/previous difference block.

Selecting Differences

Automatically Selecting a Difference Block

Using the Next Difference or Previous Difference to navigate to a highlighted difference block selects the code units contained in that difference block. Left mouse clicking on a difference block also causes the entire difference block to become selected. You can then right mouse click and the popup menu appears so you can apply the selection.

Manually Selecting Differences

Differences can be selected within the right-hand Diff listing as follows:

  • To select a single difference block, simply left mouse click on the highlighted difference block. It will become selected, so it can then be applied.
  • Left mouse clicking on a code unit that is not highlighted as part of a difference block will clear the current Diff selection.
  • To select individual code units within a highlighted difference block, drag the cursor in the second program as you normally would in the Code Browser. If you select code units that are not highlighted as a difference, they will automatically be removed from the selection when the mouse button is released. When the cursor is released, the selection will become restricted to only the code units with highlighted differences in the selection.
  • The Ctrl key along with a left mouse click can be used to add/remove a code unit from the selection.
  • The Shift key along with a left mouse click can be used to extend the selection.

When differences are applied from the second program to the tool's program, only selected code units in the current view will be applied.

Select All

Invoking the Select All Differences from the second program's popup menu, selects all the currently highlighted differences in the second program.

Setting the Program Diff Selection From the Tool's Program Selection

The selection from the tool's program can be used to select some of the differences in the second program. While viewing program differences in the Code Browser, make a selection in the tool's program. Select the Set Diff Selection icon in the tool bar above the tool's program. The selection in the second program will become any highlighted differences in the second program that correspond to the selected code units in the tool's program.

For example, you can use this to select all the differences in a subroutine. First select all the code units in the tool's program that make up the subroutine. The Set Diff Selection icon will become enabled. Select the Set Diff Selection icon . All the corresponding code units with highlighted differences in the second program become selected. The selection of differences can then be applied or ignored.

Applying Differences

Applying a difference, changes the tool's program to match the second program in the Program Diff for each type of difference being applied. The Program Diff can control which types of differences get applied from the second program to the tool's program (see Apply). It can also control whether some types of differences replace what is in the tool's program or whether they are merged into the tool's program. Only the highlighted code units in the second program, which are currently selected, can have their differences applied.

To apply a selection

  1. Select Differences in the second program.
  2. Make sure the difference types you want to apply have their boxes checked in the ProgramDiff Settings dialog.
  3. Click the Apply Selection button in the toolbar.
    Press the Apply Selection hot key.
    Click the right mouse on the highlighted difference and select the Apply Selection button.

Remember all the types of differences that are being Replaced or Merged in the Diff Apply Settings dockable component will be applied for the selected code units.

When applying differences, comments and labels can be replaced with the second program's comments or merged with them. Merging comments or labels in the Program Diff results in the union of the two programs comments or labels for each code unit being applied.


A code unit in the tool's program does not have any comments or labels. The code unit in the second program has a pre-comment and a bookmark. All Apply boxes are checked. Apply a selection containing the code unit. The pre-comment and bookmark appear in the program in the Code Browser.

Say the Bookmarks box in the Apply area of the settings dialog was not checked and the Comments box was checked when the difference was applied. The pre-comment would appear in the Code Browser's program, but the bookmark would not.

Applying Differences and Going To Next

This applies the selected differences and navigates to the next difference in a single step (see Apply and Next). It can also control whether some types of differences replace what is in the tool's program or whether they are merged into the tool's program. Only the highlighted code units in the second program, which are currently selected, can have their differences applied.

To apply a selection and go to the next difference

  1. Select differences in the second program.
  2. Make sure the difference types you want to apply have their boxes checked in the Diff Apply Settings dockable component.
  3. Click the Apply & Go To Next button in the toolbar.

All the types of differences that were last selected under Apply in the Program Difference Settings dialog will be applied for the selected code units. The Diff will then navigate to the next difference and select it.

Ignoring Differences

Ignoring a difference indicates you no longer want the current Program Diff to highlight the code unit. The Diff then navigates to the next difference.

Only selected code units in the second program of the Program Diff can have their differences ignored. The selection can be made on an entire highlight block or individual code units in one or more difference blocks. (See Selecting Differences).

Note: All versions of Ghidra before 7.4.X did not navigate to the next difference after ignoring.

To ignore a selection

  1. Select Differences in the second program.
  2. Click the Ignore Selection button in the toolbar.
    Press the Ignore Selection hot key.
    Click the right mouse on the highlighted difference and select the Ignore Selection button.

The selected code units will be ignored. This means they will no longer be highlighted as a difference. The Diff will then navigate to the next difference and select it.

Once a code unit is ignored, it will no longer be marked in the browser with a change bar and will no longer be highlighted. If you Determine Program Differences, any previously ignored items where there are still differences will once again be highlighted.

Viewing Difference Details at a Location

When viewing two programs in the Code Browser, it is possible to view all the differences at the current program location. The Diff Details dockable component displays details indicating differences, if any, between the two programs code units at the current program location.

To view the difference details at a location:

  1. Click on the code unit of interest to set the location and select the Location Details button in the tool bar.
    Press the right mouse button on the code unit of interest and select the Location Details button.
  2. The Diff Details dockable component is displayed indicating the detailed differences, if any, at the indicated location.

The following image shows the Diff Details dockable component. In Program 1 of the Diff "MyLabel" is a global label, whereas in Program 2 "MyLabel" is a local function label.


When the Automatically Update Details check box is selected, the Diff Details will update automatically to show the differences at the current location whenever the current address changes. This can be useful when you are navigating through Differences and need to see details that are not displayed by the CodeBrowser.

When the Only Show Expected Difference Types check box is selected, the Diff Details will only show Diff Details for the types of Differences that you chose to look for when you determined your differences. If this box is not checked, you will see all types of differences that exist at the location regardless of whether it was one of the types of differences you were seeking.

If you modify the program at the current location after the Diff Details are displayed, press the Refresh button in the local toolbar to update the difference details. This will recompute the differences and then redisplay them.

Why view the difference details at a particular program location?

In other words, are there other types of differences here besides the boxes I checked in the Program Difference Settings dialog? Remember, only the difference types with their Apply boxes checked in the dialog will be applied if an Apply Selection is done.

Diff Apply Settings Tool Options

The Program Diff adds Default Apply Settings options to the tool. To view or edit the option settings:

Each time a new Program Diff begins, the Diff Apply Settings will have their values set to the default ones specified by the  Default Apply Settings Options.

Each option will have one or more of the following settings available:

Diff Apply Setting
Do not change the selected code units in the tool's program for this type of difference.
Change the selected code units in the tool's program to match the second program for this type of difference.
(Only available for Labels, Comments and Function Tags.) Change the selected code units in the tool's program by adding this type of difference from the second program to what is already in the tool's program. For Labels, this will not change which label is set to primary.
Merge & Set Primary
(Only available for Labels.) Merges labels from the second program into the tool's program for the selected code units in the the Diff and set the primary labels as in the second program, if possible.

The Default Apply Settings Options contains the following options:

Option Functionality
Bookmarks Controls whether bookmark differences will be applied. Can be: Ignore or Replace.
Controls whether byte differences will be applied. Can be: Ignore or Replace.
Code Units
Controls whether instruction, data, and equate differences will be applied. Can be: Ignore or Replace.
End Of Line Comments
Controls whether end of line comment differences will be applied. Can be: Ignore, Replace, or Merge.
Controls whether function differences will be applied. Can be: Ignore or Replace.
Function Tags
Controls whether function tag differences will be applied. Can be: Ignore, Merge or Replace.
Controls whether label differences will be applied and which to set as the primary label. Can be: Ignore, Replace, Merge, or Merge & Set Primary.
Plate Comments
Controls whether plate comment differences will be applied. Can be: Ignore, Replace, or Merge.
Post Comments
Controls whether post comment differences will be applied. Can be: Ignore, Replace, or Merge.
Pre Comments
Controls whether pre comment differences will be applied. Can be: Ignore, Replace, or Merge.
Program Context
Controls whether program context register value differences will be applied. Can be: Ignore or Replace.
Controls whether user defined property differences will be applied. Can be: Ignore or Replace.
Controls whether reference differences will be applied. Can be: Ignore or Replace.
Repeatable Comments
Controls whether repeatable comment differences will be applied. Can be: Ignore, Replace, or Merge.
Source Map
Controls whether Source Map differences will be applied. Can be: Ignore (the default) or Replace.

To change an option, click on the combo box to the right of the option name and select the desired setting from the list.


You cannot undo an Ignore Selection action. Undo of an Apply Selection or Ignore Selection in a Program Diff currently can't re-highlight the code units with differences that were ignored. If you want to get back differences after undo of an Apply Selection or if you want all ignored differences to no longer be ignored, you must re-Diff the programs by selecting the Get Differences button .

Provided by: Program Diff Plugin

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