The Automatic Version Tracking uses various correlators in a predetermined order to automatically create matches, accept the most likely matches, and apply markup. The following correlators are run in this order if the associated options are set:
- Exact Symbol Name Correlator
- Exact Data Correlator
- Exact Function Bytes Correlator
- Exact Function Instructions Correlator
- Exact Function Mnemonics Correlator
- Duplicate Function Instructions Correlator
- Data Reference Correlator, Function Reference Correlator, OR Combined Function and Data Reference Correlator
If the Create Implied Matches option is set, Implied Matches will be created whenever the above correlators accept matches.
If the Apply Implied Matches option is set, any created Implied Matches that have the set minimum number of votes and does not exceed the set maximum number of conflicts will be applied.
NOTE: It is unlikely that all matches in the entire program will be made and there is no guarantee that no mistakes will be made. This action was designed to try to save as much time as possible while also taking a conservative approach to the automation.
Auto Version Tracking will run each selected correlator and will use the option values found in the Auto Version Tracking options rather than the options chosen when the correlators are run individually. To access the options use Edit->Tool Options->Version Tracking->Auto Version Tracking from the Version Tracking Match Window.
The following options are found when the Edit->Tool Options->Version Tracking->Auto Version Tracking options folder is selected and will determine which correlators will be run during Auto Version Tracking.
Name Description Default Value Create Implied Matches When true, Implied Matches will be created whenever the other correlators accept matches. True Run Duplicate Function Correlator When true, the Duplicate Function Instructions Correlator will be run during Auto Version Tracking. True Run Exact Data Correlator When true, the Exact Data Correlator will be run during Auto Version Tracking. True Run Exact Function Bytes Correlator When true, the Exact Function Bytes Correlator will be run during Auto Version Tracking. True Run Exact Function Instruction Correlators When true, the Exact Function Instruction Correlator and the Exact Function Mnemonic Correlator will be run during Auto Version Tracking. True Run Exact Symbol Correlator When true, the Exact Symbol Correlator will be run during Auto Version Tracking. True Run Reference Correlators When true, the Data Reference Correlator (if previous correlators applied only data matches), Function Reference Correlator (if previous correlators applied only function matches), or the Combined Function and Data Reference Correlator (if previous correlators applied both data and function matches) will be run during Auto Version Tracking. True
The following option is found when selecting Edit->Tool Options->Auto Version Tracking->Data Correlator Options
Name Description Default Value Data Correlator Minimum Length This option sets the minimum data length used to find data matches when running the Exact Data Correlator in Auto Version Tracking. 5
The following option is found when selecting Edit->Tool Options->Auto Version Tracking->Exact Function Correlators Options
Name Description Default Value Exact Function Correlators Minimum Function Length This option sets the minimum function length used to find function matches when running the Exact Function Instruction Bytes Correlator, the Exact Function Instruction Correlator, and the Exact Function Mnemonics Correlator in Auto Version Tracking. 10
The following option is found when selecting Edit->Tool Options->Auto Version Tracking->Duplicate Function Correlator Options
Name Description Default Value Duplicate Function Correlators Minimum Function Length This option sets the minimum function length used to find function matches when running the Duplicate Function Instruction Correlator in Auto Version Tracking. 10
The following option is found when selecting Edit->Tool Options->Auto Version Tracking->Symbol Correlators Options
Name Description Default Value Symbol Correlator Minimum Symbol Length This option sets the the minimum symbol name length used to find function and data matches when running the Exact Symbol Correlator in Auto Version Tracking. 10
The following options are found when selecting Edit->Tool Options->Auto Version Tracking->Reference Correlators Options
Name Description Default Value Reference Correlators Minimum Confidence This option sets minimum confidence score used to find function matches using the Data Reference Correlator, the Function Reference Correlator and the Combined Function and Data Reference Correlator. 10.0 Reference Correlators Minimum Score This option sets minimum similarity score used to find function matches using the Data Reference Correlator, the Function Reference Correlator and the Combined Function and Data Reference Correlator. 9.5
The following options are found when selecting Edit->Tool Options->Auto Version Tracking->Implied Match Correlator Options
Name Description Default Value Apply Implied Matches This option if true, causes Auto Version Tracking to apply Implied Matches if the minimum vote count is met and the maximum conflict count is not exceeded. True Maximum Conflicts Allowed This option sets the maximum number of allowed conflicts for an applied implied match in Auto Version Tracking. 0 Minimum Votes Needed This option sets the minimum number of needed votes for an applied implied match in Auto Version Tracking. 2
Provided by: Version Tracking Plugin