Interface AssociationHook

All Known Implementing Classes:
ImpliedMatchAssociationHook, MatchStatusUpdaterAssociationHook

public interface AssociationHook
Interface used for a callback when associations are accepted or cleared.
  • Method Details

    • associationAccepted

      void associationAccepted(VTAssociation association)
      Called whenever an association has been accepted.
      association - the association that has been accepted.
    • associationCleared

      void associationCleared(VTAssociation association)
      Called whenever an association has been cleared from the accepted state.
      association - the association that has been cleared from the accepted state.
    • markupItemStatusChanged

      void markupItemStatusChanged(VTMarkupItem markupItem)
      Called whenever a markupItem's status changes.
      markupItem - the markupItem that changed.