Interface VTMatch

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface VTMatch
A VTMatch is a scoring by some algorithm that indicates a possibility that one function or data item on one program matches a function or data item in another program. It consists of an association (a pairing of functions or data from one program to another) and a scoring of how likely the pairing is correct.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getMatchSet

      VTMatchSet getMatchSet()
      returns the VTMatchSet that contains this match.
      the VTMatchSet that contains this match.
    • getAssociation

      VTAssociation getAssociation()
      Returns the VTAssocation that this match is suggesting.
      the VTAssocation for this match.
    • getTag

      VTMatchTag getTag()
      Returns the tag that has been applied to this match or null if not tagged.
      the tag that has been applied to this match or null if not tagged.
    • setTag

      void setTag(VTMatchTag tag)
      Sets the tag for this match. Any previous tag is replaced. A value of null will remove any existing tag.
      tag - the tag to set on this match.
    • getSimilarityScore

      VTScore getSimilarityScore()
      Returns a score that attempts to indicate how similar the associated items are to each other in a normalized score between 0 and 1. Note that short functions may have high similarity scores even though they are not really a match.
      the score that attempts to indication how similar the items are.
    • getConfidenceScore

      VTScore getConfidenceScore()
      Returns a confidence score which is generally a combination of the similarity score and some measure of the length of the functions. Note that this score is not normalized and all that it indicates is that higher numbers are more likely to be correct than lower numbers. Comparing scores from different algorithms is meaningless.
    • getSourceAddress

      ghidra.program.model.address.Address getSourceAddress()
      Returns the address in the source program for a match.
      the address in the source program
    • getDestinationAddress

      ghidra.program.model.address.Address getDestinationAddress()
      Returns the address in the destination program for a match.
      the address in the destination
    • getSourceLength

      int getSourceLength()
      Returns the length of the source function or data.
      the length of the source function or data.
    • getDestinationLength

      int getDestinationLength()
      Returns the length of the destination function or data.
      the length of the destination function or data.