Class GlobalFocusTraversalAction

All Implemented Interfaces:
DockingActionIf, HelpDescriptor

public class GlobalFocusTraversalAction extends DockingAction
Action for global focus traversal.

The Java focus system suggests that both TAB and <CTRL> TAB move the focus to the next component in the focus traversal cycle. It also suggests that both <SHIFT> TAB and <CTRL><SHIFT> TAB move the focus to the previous component in the focus traversal cycle.

However, the implementation across Look And Feels and some components within those Look and Feels are inconsistent with regards the <CTRL> version of these keys. Rather than try and find and fix all the inconsistencies across all components and Look And Feels, we process the <CTRL> version of focus traversal using global reserved actions. We can't take the same approach for the base TAB and <SHIFT> TAB because these really do need to be component specific as some components use these keys for some other purpose other than focus traversal.

This global processing of <CTRL> TAB and <CTRL><SHIFT> TAB can be disabled by setting the system property GLOBAL_FOCUS_TRAVERSAL_PROPERTY to "false"

  • Constructor Details

    • GlobalFocusTraversalAction

      public GlobalFocusTraversalAction(KeyStroke keybinding, boolean forward)
  • Method Details