Class KeyBindings


public class KeyBindings extends Object
An object that maps actions to key strokes and mouse bindings.

This class knows how to load all system actions and how to load any key and mouse bindings for those actions from the tool's options. Clients can make changes to the state of this class that can then be applied to the system by calling applyChanges().

  • Constructor Details

    • KeyBindings

      public KeyBindings(Tool tool)
  • Method Details

    • getUniqueActions

      public List<DockingActionIf> getUniqueActions()
    • getKeyStrokesByFullActionName

      public Map<String,KeyStroke> getKeyStrokesByFullActionName()
    • containsAction

      public boolean containsAction(String fullName)
    • getKeyStroke

      public KeyStroke getKeyStroke(String fullName)
    • getMouseBinding

      public MouseBinding getMouseBinding(String fullName)
    • getActionForMouseBinding

      public String getActionForMouseBinding(MouseBinding mouseBinding)
    • getActionsForKeyStrokeText

      public String getActionsForKeyStrokeText(KeyStroke keyStroke)
    • getLongestActionName

      public String getLongestActionName()
    • isMouseBindingInUse

      public boolean isMouseBindingInUse(String fullName, MouseBinding newBinding)
    • setActionMouseBinding

      public boolean setActionMouseBinding(String fullName, MouseBinding newBinding)
    • setActionKeyStroke

      public boolean setActionKeyStroke(String fullName, KeyStroke newKs)
    • removeKeyStroke

      public boolean removeKeyStroke(String fullName)
    • restoreOptions

      public void restoreOptions()
      Restores the tool options key bindings to the default values originally loaded when the system started.
    • cancelChanges

      public void cancelChanges()
      Cancels any pending changes that have not yet been applied.
    • applyChanges

      public void applyChanges()
      Applies any pending changes.