Class ActionChooserDialog

All Implemented Interfaces:
ActionContextProvider, StatusListener, TaskListener

public class ActionChooserDialog extends DialogComponentProvider
Dialog for displaying and invoking docking actions. The dialog will display a mix of local and global actions that varies depending on its current ActionDisplayLevel.
  • Constructor Details

    • ActionChooserDialog

      public ActionChooserDialog(ActionsModel model)
      Constructor given an ActionsModel.
      model - the ActionsModel to use in the dialog
    • ActionChooserDialog

      public ActionChooserDialog(Tool tool, ComponentProvider provider, ActionContext context)
      Constructor for when a ComponentProvider has focus
      tool - the active tool
      provider - the ComponentProvider that has focus
      context - the ActionContext that is active and will be used to invoke the chosen action
    • ActionChooserDialog

      public ActionChooserDialog(Tool tool, DialogComponentProvider dialog, ActionContext context)
      Constructor for when a DialogComponentProvider has focus
      tool - the active tool
      dialog - the DialogComponentProvider that has focus
      context - the ActionContext that is active and will be used to invoke the chosen action
  • Method Details