Package docking.util

Interface SwingAnimationCallback

public interface SwingAnimationCallback
A simple interface that allows implementing clients to get called back from the animation framework. The callbacks can be used to perform swing work.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Called when the entire animation cycle is done.
    default int
    Returns the duration of this callback.
    progress(double percentComplete)
    Called over the course of an animation cycle.
  • Method Details

    • progress

      void progress(double percentComplete)
      Called over the course of an animation cycle.
      percentComplete - a value (from 0 to 1.0) that indicates the percentage of the animation cycle that has completed.
    • done

      void done()
      Called when the entire animation cycle is done. This allows clients to perform any finalization work.
    • getDuration

      default int getDuration()
      Returns the duration of this callback. The default is 1000 ms. Subclasses can override this as needed.
      the duration