Interface FindDialogSearcher

public interface FindDialogSearcher
A simple interface for the FindDialog so that it can work for different search clients.

The CursorPosition object used by this interface is one that implementations can extend to add extra context to use when searching. The implementation is responsible for creating the locations and these locations will later be handed back to the searcher.

  • Method Details

    • getCursorPosition

      CursorPosition getCursorPosition()
      The current cursor position. Used to search for the next item.
      the cursor position.
    • setCursorPosition

      void setCursorPosition(CursorPosition position)
      Sets the cursor position after a successful search.
      position - the cursor position.
    • getStart

      CursorPosition getStart()
      Returns the start cursor position. This is used when a search is wrapped to start at the beginning of the search range.
      the start position.
    • getEnd

      CursorPosition getEnd()
      The end cursor position. This is used when a search is wrapped while searching backwards to start at the end position.
      the end position.
    • highlightSearchResults

      void highlightSearchResults(SearchLocation location)
      Called to signal the implementor should highlight the given search location.
      location - the search result location.
    • search

      SearchLocation search(String text, CursorPosition cursorPosition, boolean searchForward, boolean useRegex)
      Perform a search for the next item in the given direction starting at the given cursor position.
      text - the search text.
      cursorPosition - the current cursor position.
      searchForward - true if searching forward.
      useRegex - useRegex true if the search text is a regular expression; false if the texts is literal text.
      the search result or null if no match was found.
    • searchAll

      default List<SearchLocation> searchAll(String text, boolean useRegex)
      Search for all matches.
      text - the search text.
      useRegex - true if the search text is a regular expression; false if the texts is literal text.
      all search results or an empty list.