Class GhidraFileChooser

All Implemented Interfaces:
ActionContextProvider, StatusListener, TaskListener, FileFilter

public class GhidraFileChooser extends ReusableDialogComponentProvider implements FileFilter
An implementation of a file chooser dialog. This class is designed to emulate the JFileChooser, but it removes the network locking issue. When a network drive is down, the JFileChooser can take several minutes to come up. Why use this file chooser over JFileChooser?? Let me enumerate the reasons...
  1. JFileChooser cannot show hidden/system files, but we can!
  2. JFileChooser does not properly consume key strokes (global actions in docking windows)
  3. This class is threaded, so loading delays do not lock the GUI
  4. This class provides shortcut buttons similar to those of the Windows native chooser
  • Field Details


      public static final int FILES_ONLY
      Instruction to display only files.
      See Also:

      public static final int DIRECTORIES_ONLY
      Instruction to display only directories.
      See Also:

      public static final int FILES_AND_DIRECTORIES
      Instruction to display both files and directories.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • GhidraFileChooser

      public GhidraFileChooser(Component parent)
      Constructs a new ghidra file chooser.
      parent - the parent component
  • Method Details

    • setShowDetails

      public void setShowDetails(boolean showDetails)
      When true is passed the chooser will use a detailed table view to show the files; false will show a simplified list of files.
      showDetails - true to show details
    • accept

      public boolean accept(File file)
      Specified by:
      accept in interface FileFilter
    • setFileSelectionMode

      @Deprecated public void setFileSelectionMode(int mode)
      Sets the GhidraFileChooser to allow the user to just select files, just select directories, or select both files and directories. The default is JFilesChooser.FILES_ONLY.
      mode - the type of files to be displayed:
      • GhidraFileChooser.FILES_ONLY
      • GhidraFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY
      • GhidraFileChooser.FILES_AND_DIRECTORIES
      IllegalArgumentException - if mode is an illegal Dialog mode
    • setFileSelectionMode

      public void setFileSelectionMode(GhidraFileChooserMode mode)
      Sets this file chooser to allow the user to just select files, just select directories, or select both files and directories. The default is GhidraFileChooserMode.FILES_ONLY.
      mode - the type of files to be displayed
    • isMultiSelectionEnabled

      public boolean isMultiSelectionEnabled()
      Returns true if multiple files can be selected.
      true if multiple files can be selected
      See Also:
    • setMultiSelectionEnabled

      public void setMultiSelectionEnabled(boolean b)
      Sets the file chooser to allow multiple file selections.
      b - true if multiple files may be selected
      See Also:
    • setApproveButtonText

      public void setApproveButtonText(String buttonText)
      Sets the text used in the OK button
      buttonText - the text
    • setApproveButtonToolTipText

      public void setApproveButtonToolTipText(String tooltipText)
      Sets the tooltip text used in the OK button
      tooltipText - the tooltip text
    • setLastDirectoryPreference

      public void setLastDirectoryPreference(String newKey)
      Sets the preference key for this chooser to use when saving the last directory that was used to successfully choose a file.
      newKey - the key
    • getSelectedFile

      public File getSelectedFile()
      Returns the selected file. This can be set either by the programmer via setSelectedFile(File) or by a user action, such as either typing the filename into the UI or selecting the file from a list in the UI.
      the selected file; null if cancelled or no file was selected
    • getSelectedFiles

      public List<File> getSelectedFiles()
      Returns the selected files. This will show the file chooser
      the selected files; an empty array if cancelled or no file was selected
    • getSelectedFile

      public File getSelectedFile(boolean show)
      Returns the selected file. This can be set either by the programmer via setSelectedFile(File) or by a user action, such as either typing the filename into the UI or selecting the file from a list in the UI.

      Note: this method can be called after the chooser has been shown, in which case the value returned has been validated by the chooser. Also, the method may be called while the chooser is showing (like from a test thread). In this case, the selected file will not have been validated by the chooser.

      show - if true then the dialog is displayed
      the selected file; null if cancelled or no file was selected
    • setSelectedFile

      public void setSelectedFile(File file)
      Sets the selected file. If the file's parent directory is not the current directory, changes the current directory to be the file's parent directory.

      If the given file is a directory, then it's parent directory will be made the current directory and the directory represented by the file will be selected within the parent directory.

      If the given file does not exist, then the following will happen:

      • If the parent directory of the file exists, then the parent directory will be made the current directory and the name of the file will be put into the filename textfield; otherwise,
      • If the parent file does not exist, then the selection is cleared.

      If the given file is null, then the selected file state is cleared.

      file - the selected file
      See Also:
    • show

      public void show()
    • close

      public void close()
      close in class ReusableDialogComponentProvider
    • getCurrentDirectory

      public File getCurrentDirectory()
      Returns the current directory.
      the current directory
      See Also:
    • setCurrentDirectory

      public void setCurrentDirectory(File directory)
      Sets the current directory. Passing in null sets the file chooser to point to the user's default directory. This default depends on the operating system. It is typically the "My Documents" folder on Windows, and the user's home directory on Unix.
      If the file passed in as currentDirectory is not a directory, the parent of the file will be used as the currentDirectory. If the parent is not traversable, then it will walk up the parent tree until it finds a traversable directory, or hits the root of the file system.
      directory - the current directory to point to
      See Also:
    • rescanCurrentDirectory

      public void rescanCurrentDirectory()
      Causes the file chooser to refresh its contents with the content of the currently displayed directory.
    • dispose

      public void dispose()
      Description copied from class: DialogComponentProvider
      Disposes this dialog. Only call this when the dialog is no longer used. Calling this method will close the dialog if it is open.
      dispose in class ReusableDialogComponentProvider
    • addFileFilter

      public void addFileFilter(GhidraFileFilter f)
      Adds the specified file filter.
      f - the new file filter
    • setSelectedFileFilter

      public void setSelectedFileFilter(GhidraFileFilter filter)
      Set the selected filter to the given filter
      filter - the filter to initially set
    • setFileFilter

      public void setFileFilter(GhidraFileFilter filter)
      Sets the current file filter.
      filter - the file filter to make current
    • wasCancelled

      public boolean wasCancelled()
      Returns true if the user clicked the "cancel" button on the file chooser.
      true if the user clicked the "cancel" button on the file chooser
    • cancelCallback

      protected void cancelCallback()
      Description copied from class: DialogComponentProvider
      The callback method for when the "Cancel" button is pressed. The default behavior is to call setVisible(false) and dispose() on the dialog.
      cancelCallback in class DialogComponentProvider
    • okCallback

      protected void okCallback()
      Description copied from class: DialogComponentProvider
      The callback method for when the "OK" button is pressed.
      okCallback in class DialogComponentProvider