Class LocalFileChooserModel

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class LocalFileChooserModel extends Object implements GhidraFileChooserModel
A default implementation of the file chooser model that browses the local file system.
  • Constructor Details

    • LocalFileChooserModel

      public LocalFileChooserModel()
  • Method Details

    • getSeparator

      public char getSeparator()
      Description copied from interface: GhidraFileChooserModel
      Returns the file separator char. On windows, '\' On linux, '/'.
      Specified by:
      getSeparator in interface GhidraFileChooserModel
      the file separator char
    • setModelUpdateCallback

      public void setModelUpdateCallback(Callback callback)
      Description copied from interface: GhidraFileChooserModel
      Set the model update callback.
      Specified by:
      setModelUpdateCallback in interface GhidraFileChooserModel
      callback - the new model update callback handler
    • getHomeDirectory

      public File getHomeDirectory()
      Description copied from interface: GhidraFileChooserModel
      Returns the home directory.
      Specified by:
      getHomeDirectory in interface GhidraFileChooserModel
      the home directory
    • getDesktopDirectory

      public File getDesktopDirectory()
      Description copied from interface: GhidraFileChooserModel
      Returns the user's desktop directory, as defined by their operating system and/or their windowing environment, or null if there is no desktop directory.

      Example: "/home/the_user/Desktop" or "c:/Users/the_user/Desktop"

      Specified by:
      getDesktopDirectory in interface GhidraFileChooserModel
      desktop directory
    • getDownloadsDirectory

      public File getDownloadsDirectory()
      Description copied from interface: GhidraFileChooserModel
      Returns the user's downloads directory, as defined by their operating system and/or their windowing environment, or null if there is no downloads directory.

      Example: "/home/the_user/Downloads" or "c:/Users/the_user/Downloads"

      Specified by:
      getDownloadsDirectory in interface GhidraFileChooserModel
      downloads directory
    • getRoots

      public List<File> getRoots(boolean forceUpdate)
      Description copied from interface: GhidraFileChooserModel
      Returns a list of the root drives/directories.

      On windows, "C:\", "D:\", etc.

      On linux, "/".

      Specified by:
      getRoots in interface GhidraFileChooserModel
      forceUpdate - if true, request a fresh listing, if false allow a cached result
      the root drives
    • getListing

      public List<File> getListing(File directory, FileFilter filter)
      Description copied from interface: GhidraFileChooserModel
      Returns an array of the files that exist in the specified directory.
      Specified by:
      getListing in interface GhidraFileChooserModel
      directory - the directory
      filter - the file filter; may be null
      list of files
    • getIcon

      public Icon getIcon(File file)
      Description copied from interface: GhidraFileChooserModel
      Returns an icon for the specified file.
      Specified by:
      getIcon in interface GhidraFileChooserModel
      file - the file
      an icon for the specified file
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription(File file)
      Description copied from interface: GhidraFileChooserModel
      Returns a description for the specified file.
      Specified by:
      getDescription in interface GhidraFileChooserModel
      file - the file
      a description for the specified file
    • createDirectory

      public boolean createDirectory(File directory, String name)
      Description copied from interface: GhidraFileChooserModel
      Creates a directory in the specified directory with the specified name.
      Specified by:
      createDirectory in interface GhidraFileChooserModel
      directory - the directory in which to create the new directory
      name - the name of the directory
      true if the new directory was create.
    • isDirectory

      public boolean isDirectory(File file)
      Description copied from interface: GhidraFileChooserModel
      Tests whether the file denoted by this abstract pathname is a directory.
      Specified by:
      isDirectory in interface GhidraFileChooserModel
      file - the file
      true if and only if the file denoted by this abstract pathname exists and is a directory; false otherwise
    • isAbsolute

      public boolean isAbsolute(File file)
      Description copied from interface: GhidraFileChooserModel
      Tests whether this abstract pathname is absolute. The definition of absolute pathname is system dependent. On UNIX systems, a pathname is absolute if its prefix is "/". On Microsoft Windows systems, a pathname is absolute if its prefix is a drive specifier followed by "\\", or if its prefix is "\\".
      Specified by:
      isAbsolute in interface GhidraFileChooserModel
      file - the file
      true if this abstract pathname is absolute, false otherwise
    • renameFile

      public boolean renameFile(File src, File dest)
      Description copied from interface: GhidraFileChooserModel
      Renames the src file to the destination file.
      Specified by:
      renameFile in interface GhidraFileChooserModel
      src - the file to be renamed
      dest - the new file
      true if the file was renamed