Class PathManager


public class PathManager extends Object
Component that has a table to show pathnames; the panel includes buttons to control the order of the paths, and to add and remove paths. The add button brings up a file chooser. Call the setFileChooser() method to control how the file chooser should behave. If the table entries should not be edited, call setEditingEnabled(false).
  • Constructor Details

    • PathManager

      public PathManager(List<Path> paths, boolean addToTop, boolean allowOrdering)
      Construct a new PathnameTablePanel.
      paths - list of paths to show; may be null
      addToTop - true if new paths are to be added to the top of the table, false
      allowOrdering - if true the ability to move path items up/down will be provided if new paths are to be added to the end of the table
    • PathManager

      public PathManager(boolean addToTop, boolean allowOrdering)
  • Method Details

    • setFileChooserProperties

      public void setFileChooserProperties(String title, String preferenceForLastSelectedDir, GhidraFileChooserMode selectionMode, boolean allowMultiSelection, GhidraFileFilter filter)
      Set properties on the file chooser that is displayed when the "Add" button is pressed.
      title - title of the file chooser
      preferenceForLastSelectedDir - Preference to use as the current directory in the file chooser
      selectionMode - mode defined in GhidraFileChooser, e.g., GhidraFileChooser.FILES_ONLY
      allowMultiSelection - true if multiple files can be selected
      filter - filter to use; may be null if no filtering is required
    • addPath

      public boolean addPath(ResourceFile file, boolean enabled)
      Add a new file path and set its enablement
      file - the file whose path to use
      enabled - true if enabled
      true if the enabled path did not already exist
    • setPaths

      public void setPaths(List<Path> paths)
    • clear

      public void clear()
      Clear the paths in the table.
    • addListener

      public void addListener(PathManagerListener listener)
    • removeListener

      public void removeListener(PathManagerListener listener)
    • getListeners

      public List<PathManagerListener> getListeners()
    • getComponent

      public JComponent getComponent()
      Returns the GUI component for the path manager.
      the GUI component for the path manager
    • saveState

      public void saveState(SaveState ss)
      Saves the paths to the specified SaveState object.
      ss - the SaveState object
    • restoreFromPreferences

      public void restoreFromPreferences(String enablePathKey, Path[] defaultEnablePaths, String disabledPathKey)
      Restore paths from user Preferences using the specified keys. If preferences have never been saved, the specified defaultEnablePaths will be used. Note: the encoded path list must have been stored using the same keys using the savePathsToPreferences(String, String, Path[]) or saveToPreferences(String, String) methods.
      enablePathKey - preference key for storing enabled paths
      defaultEnablePaths - default paths
      disabledPathKey - preference key for storing disabled paths
    • getPathsFromPreferences

      public static Path[] getPathsFromPreferences(String enablePathKey, Path[] defaultEnablePaths, String disabledPathKey)
      Restore paths from user Preferences using the specified keys. If preferences have never been saved, the specified defaultEnablePaths will be returned. Note: the encoded path list must have been stored using the same keys using the savePathsToPreferences(String, String, Path[]) or saveToPreferences(String, String) methods.
      enablePathKey - preference key for storing enabled paths
      defaultEnablePaths - default paths
      disabledPathKey - preference key for storing disabled paths
      ordered paths from Preferences
    • saveToPreferences

      public boolean saveToPreferences(String enablePathKey, String disabledPathKey)
    • savePathsToPreferences

      public static boolean savePathsToPreferences(String enablePathKey, String disabledPathKey, Path[] paths)
      Save the specified paths to the user Preferences using the specified keys. Note: The encoded path Preferences are intended to be decoded by the restoreFromPreferences(String, Path[], String) and getPathsFromPreferences(String, Path[], String) methods.
      enablePathKey - preference key for storing enabled paths
      disabledPathKey - preference key for storing disabled paths
      paths - paths to be saved
      true if Preference saved properly
    • restoreState

      public void restoreState(SaveState ss)
      Restores the paths from the specified SaveState object.
      ss - the SaveState object
    • dispose

      public void dispose()