Interface SelectionManager

All Superinterfaces:
EventListener, ListSelectionModel, TableModelListener
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface SelectionManager extends ListSelectionModel, TableModelListener
A class to track and restore selections made in a table. We use this in the docking environment primarily due to the heavy usage of filtering for most tables. As tables are filtered, the contents change (and then change back when the filter is removed). It is nice to be able to filter a table, select an item of interest, and then unfilter the table to see that item in more context.
  • Method Details

    • addSelectionManagerListener

      void addSelectionManagerListener(SelectionManagerListener listener)
    • removeSelectionManagerListener

      void removeSelectionManagerListener(SelectionManagerListener listener)
    • clearSavedSelection

      void clearSavedSelection()
    • dispose

      void dispose()