Class StringNotMatchesColumnConstraint

All Implemented Interfaces:
ColumnConstraint<String>, Comparable<ColumnConstraint<String>>

public class StringNotMatchesColumnConstraint extends StringMatchesColumnConstraint
String column constraint for matching column values if they do not match a full regular expression pattern.
  • Constructor Details

    • StringNotMatchesColumnConstraint

      public StringNotMatchesColumnConstraint(String spec)

      This class is for users to enter true regular expression which is why it creates a pattern directly without using the UserSearchUtils

      spec - the string to use to create a "matcher" pattern.
  • Method Details

    • getName

      public String getName()
      Description copied from interface: ColumnConstraint
      Returns the name of the constraint
      Specified by:
      getName in interface ColumnConstraint<String>
      getName in class StringMatchesColumnConstraint
      the name of the constraint.
    • getGroup

      public String getGroup()
      Description copied from interface: ColumnConstraint
      Returns a "group" string that is used to logically group column constraints for presentation to the user
      Specified by:
      getGroup in interface ColumnConstraint<String>
      getGroup in class StringColumnConstraint
      the group this constraint belongs to.
    • copy

      public ColumnConstraint<String> copy(String newPatternString)
      Description copied from class: StringColumnConstraint
      subclasses must override to generate new versions of themselves but with a new pattern string.
      copy in class StringMatchesColumnConstraint
      newPatternString - the new string to use for creating the match pattern.
      a new ColumnConstraint that is the same type as this constraint but with a new range defined.
    • accepts

      public boolean accepts(String value, TableFilterContext context)
      Description copied from interface: ColumnConstraint
      Compares value against the current constraint value to determine acceptance; true if value satisfies the constraints' value, false otherwise
      Specified by:
      accepts in interface ColumnConstraint<String>
      accepts in class StringColumnConstraint
      value - the column value to be tested.
      context - provides additional information about the the table and its data. This allows the filter to base its decision on information other than just the column value.
      true if the column value passes the constraint, false otherwise