Class IntegerTextField


public class IntegerTextField extends Object
TextField for entering integer numbers, either in decimal or hex.

This field does continuous checking, so you can't enter a bad value.

Internally, values are maintained using BigIntegers so this field can contain numbers as large as desired. There are convenience methods for getting the value as either an int or long. If using these convenience methods, you should also set the max allowed value so that users can't enter a value larger than can be represented by the getIntValue() or getLongValue() methods as appropriate.

There are several configuration options as follows:

  • Allows negative numbers - either support all integer numbers or just non-negative numbers. See setAllowNegativeValues(boolean)
  • Allows hex prefix - If this mode is on, then hex mode is turned on and off automatically depending whether or not the text starts with 0x. Otherwise, the hex/decimal mode is set externally (either programmatically or pressing <CTRL> M) and the user is restricted to the numbers/letters appropriate for that mode. See setAllowsHexPrefix(boolean)
  • Have a max value - a max value can be set (must be positive) such that the user can not type a number whose absolute value is greater than the max. Otherwise, the value is unlimited if max is null/unspecified. See setMaxValue(BigInteger)
  • Show the number mode as hint text - If on either "Hex" or "Dec" is displayed lightly in the bottom right portion of the text field. See setShowNumberMode(boolean)
  • Constructor Details

    • IntegerTextField

      public IntegerTextField()
      Creates a new IntegerTextField with 5 columns and no initial value
    • IntegerTextField

      public IntegerTextField(int columns)
      Creates a new IntegerTextField with the specified number of columns and no initial value
      columns - the number of columns.
    • IntegerTextField

      public IntegerTextField(int columns, long initialValue)
      Creates a new IntegerTextField with the specified number of columns and an initial value
      columns - the number of columns to display in the JTextField.
      initialValue - the initial value. This constructor takes an initialValue as a long. If you need a value that is bigger (or smaller) than can be specified as a long, then use the constructor that takes a BigInteger as an initial value.
    • IntegerTextField

      public IntegerTextField(int columns, BigInteger initialValue)
      Creates a new IntegerTextField with the specified number of columns and initial value
      columns - the number of columns
      initialValue - the initial value
  • Method Details

    • addChangeListener

      public void addChangeListener(ChangeListener listener)
      Adds a change listener that will be notified whenever the value changes.
      listener - the change listener to add.
    • setAccessibleName

      public void setAccessibleName(String name)
      Sets the accessible name for the component of this input field.
      name - the accessible name for this field
    • removeChangeListener

      public void removeChangeListener(ChangeListener listener)
      Removes the changes listener.
      listener - the listener to be removed.
    • getValue

      public BigInteger getValue()
      Returns the current value of the field or null if the field has no current value.
      the current value of the field or null if the field has no current value.
    • getIntValue

      public int getIntValue()
      Returns the current value as an int.

      If the field has no current value, 0 will be returned. If the value is bigger (or smaller) than an int, it will be cast to an int.

      If using this method, it is highly recommended that you set the max value to Integer.MAX_VALUE or lower.

      the current value as an int. Or 0 if there is no value
      ArithmeticException - if the value in this field will not fit into an int
    • getLongValue

      public long getLongValue()
      Returns the current value as a long.

      If the field has no current value, 0 will be returned. If the value is bigger (or smaller) than an long, it will be cast to a long.

      If using this method, it is highly recommended that you set the max value to Long.MAX_VALUE or lower.

      the current value as a long. Or 0 if there is no value
      ArithmeticException - if the value in this field will not fit into a long
    • setValue

      public void setValue(long newValue)
      Convenience method for setting the value to a long value;
      newValue - the new value for the field.
    • setValue

      public void setValue(int newValue)
      Convenience method for setting the value to an int value;
      newValue - the new value for the field.
    • setText

      public boolean setText(String text)
      Sets the field to the given text. The text must be a properly formated string that is a value that is valid for this field. If the field is set to not allow "0x" prefixes, then the input string cannot start with 0x and furthermore, if the field is in decimal mode, then input string cannot take in hex digits a-f. On the other hand, if "0x" prefixes are allowed, then the input string can be either a decimal number or a hex number depending on if the input string starts with "0x". In this case, the field's hex mode will be set to match the input text. If the text is not valid, the field will not change.
      text - the value as text to set on this field
      true if the set was successful
    • setValue

      public void setValue(BigInteger newValue)
      Sets the value of the field to the given value. A null value will clear the field.
      newValue - the new value or null.
    • setShowNumberMode

      public void setShowNumberMode(boolean show)
      Turns on or off the faded text that displays the field's radix mode (hex or decimal).
      show - true to show the radix mode.
    • setHexMode

      public void setHexMode()
      Sets the radix mode to Hex.

      If the field is currently in decimal mode, the current text will be change from displaying the current value from decimal to hex.

    • setDecimalMode

      public void setDecimalMode()
      Sets the mode to Decimal.

      If the field is currently in hex mode, the current text will be change from displaying the current value from hex to decimal.

    • setAllowsHexPrefix

      public void setAllowsHexPrefix(boolean allowsHexPrefix)
      Sets whether on not the field supports the 0x prefix.

      If 0x is supported, hex numbers will be displayed with the 0x prefix. Also, when typing, you must type 0x first to enter a hex number, otherwise it will only allow digits 0-9. If the 0x prefix option is turned off, then hex numbers are displayed without the 0x prefix and you can't change the decimal/hex mode by typing 0x. The field will either be in decimal or hex mode and the typed text will be interpreted appropriately for the mode.

      allowsHexPrefix - true to use the 0x convention for hex.
    • getText

      public String getText()
      Returns the current text displayed in the field.
      the current text displayed in the field.
    • isHexMode

      public boolean isHexMode()
      Returns true if in hex mode, false if in decimal mode.
      true if in hex mode, false if in decimal mode.
    • setAllowNegativeValues

      public void setAllowNegativeValues(boolean b)
      Sets whether or not negative numbers are accepted.
      b - if true, negative numbers are allowed.
    • getMaxValue

      public BigInteger getMaxValue()
      Returns the current maximum allowed value. Null indicates that there is no maximum value. If negative values are permitted (see setAllowNegativeValues(boolean)) this value will establish the upper and lower limit of the absolute value.
      the current maximum value allowed.
    • setMaxValue

      public void setMaxValue(BigInteger maxValue)
      Sets the maximum allowed value. The maximum must be a positive number. Null indicates that there is no maximum value.

      If negative values are permitted (see setAllowNegativeValues(boolean)) this value will establish the upper and lower limit of the absolute value.

      maxValue - the maximum value to allow.
    • setMinValue

      public void setMinValue(BigInteger minValue)
      Sets the minimum allowed value. The minimum must be a positive number. Null indicates that there is no minimum value.

      If negative values are permitted (see setAllowNegativeValues(boolean)) this value will establish the minimum limit of the absolute value.

      minValue - the minimum value to allow.
    • getComponent

      public JComponent getComponent()
      Returns the JTextField component that this class manages.
      the JTextField component that this class manages.
    • addActionListener

      public void addActionListener(ActionListener listener)
      Adds an ActionListener to the TextField.
      listener - the ActionListener to add.
    • removeActionListener

      public void removeActionListener(ActionListener listener)
      Removes an ActionListener from the TextField.
      listener - the ActionListener to remove.
    • setEnabled

      public void setEnabled(boolean enabled)
      Sets the enablement on the JTextField component;
      enabled - true for enabled, false for disabled.
    • setEditable

      public void setEditable(boolean editable)
      Sets the editable mode for the JTextField component
      editable - boolean flag, if true component is editable
    • requestFocus

      public void requestFocus()
      Requests focus to the JTextField
    • selectAll

      public void selectAll()
      Selects the text in the JTextField
    • setHorizontalAlignment

      public void setHorizontalAlignment(int alignment)
      Sets the horizontal alignment of the JTextField
      alignment - the alignment as in JTextField.setHorizontalAlignment(int)