Class GTreeTask

Direct Known Subclasses:
GTreeBulkTask, GTreeClearSelectionTask, GTreeClearTreeFilterTask, GTreeCollapseAllTask, GTreeExpandAllTask, GTreeExpandNodeToDepthTask, GTreeExpandPathsTask, GTreeFilterTask, GTreeLoadChildrenTask, GTreeRestoreTreeStateTask, GTreeSelectNodeByNameTask, GTreeSelectPathsTask, GTreeStartEditingTask

public abstract class GTreeTask extends PriorityJob
  • Field Details

    • tree

      protected GTree tree
    • jTree

      protected final JTree jTree
  • Constructor Details

    • GTreeTask

      protected GTreeTask(GTree tree)
  • Method Details

    • setTaskMonitor

      protected void setTaskMonitor(TaskMonitor monitor)
      setTaskMonitor in class Job
    • runOnSwingThread

      public void runOnSwingThread(Runnable runnable)
    • translatePath

      protected TreePath translatePath(TreePath path, TaskMonitor monitor)
      This method allows us to take a TreePath from a previous tree and apply that path to a new tree (or a tree that has been reloaded with new nodes). This method is required due to the fact that JTree allows you to set any path values, valid or not, and will return those path values on later calls to getSelectedPaths(). So, to handle that 'feature' of the JTree, we need to translate the given path to the equivalent path in the current tree (this code may not be needed in all uses of this task, but it protects us from the aforementioned case).
      path - the path to translate
      monitor - the monitor
      the translated path