Interface GTreeTransferHandler

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public interface GTreeTransferHandler
A generic transfer handler used by GTrees to handle transfering drag/drop data and clipboard data.
  • Method Details

    • getSupportedDataFlavors

      DataFlavor[] getSupportedDataFlavors(List<GTreeNode> transferNodes)
      Returns the DataFlavors for the types of data that this transferable supports, based upon the given selection.
      transferNodes - The nodes to base the DataFlavor selection upon.
      the DataFlavors for the types of data that this transferable supports, based upon the given selection.
    • getTransferData

      Object getTransferData(List<GTreeNode> transferNodes, DataFlavor flavor) throws UnsupportedFlavorException
      Gets the transfer data from the selection based upon the given flavor.
      transferNodes - The nodes from which to get the data.
      flavor - The flavor of data to retrieve from the given selection.
      the transfer data from the selection based upon the given flavor.
      UnsupportedFlavorException - if the given flavor is not one of the supported flavors returned by getSupportedDataFlavors(List).