Interface ValuesMapValidator

public interface ValuesMapValidator
Interface for validating values in a GValuesMap
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    validate(GValuesMap values, StatusListener statusListener)
    Validates one or more values in the given ValuesMap.
  • Method Details

    • validate

      boolean validate(GValuesMap values, StatusListener statusListener)
      Validates one or more values in the given ValuesMap. This is used by the ValuesMapDialog to validate values when the user presses the "Ok" button. If it returns true, the dialog will close. Otherwise, the dialog will remain visible, displaying the error message that was reported to the given StatusListener.
      values - the ValuesMap whose values are to be validated
      statusListener - a StatusListener to report validation errors back to the dialog
      true if the values pass the validation check.