
Class JarWriter


public class JarWriter extends Object
JarWriter is a class for writing to a jar output stream.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • JarWriter

      public JarWriter(JarOutputStream jarOut)
      jarOut - the jar file output stream the zip entries are to be written to.
    • JarWriter

      public JarWriter(JarOutputStream jarOut, String[] excludedExtensions)
  • Method Details

    • outputFile

      public boolean outputFile(File baseFile, String jarPath, TaskMonitor monitor)
      Outputs an individual file to the jar.
      baseFile - the file to be output
      jarPath - the base path to prepend to the file as it is written to the jar output stream.
      monitor - cancellable task monitor
      true if file is output to the jar file successfully.
    • outputEntry

      public boolean outputEntry(String path, long time, InputStream in, TaskMonitor monitor)
      Outputs an individual entry to the jar. The data input stream will be read until and EOF is read.
      path - entry path within the jar file
      time - entry time
      in - data input stream
      monitor - cancellable task monitor
      true if entry is output to the jar file successfully.
    • outputRecursively

      public boolean outputRecursively(File baseFile, String jarPath, TaskMonitor monitor)
      Recursively outputs a directory to the jar output stream If baseFile is a file then it is simply output to the jar.
      baseFile - the file or directory to be output
      jarPath - the base path to prepend to the files as they are written to the jar output stream.
      true if all files are recursively output to the jar file.
    • getJarOutputStream

      public JarOutputStream getJarOutputStream()
      Return the jar output stream being used by this JarWriter.
    • main

      public static void main(String[] args)
      Simple test for the JarWriter
      args - args[0] is the source directory, args[1] is the output filename