Package generic.test

Class ConcurrentTestExceptionHandler

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ConcurrentTestExceptionHandler extends Object implements Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler
A class which handles exceptions that occur off of the main test thread. Exceptions can be reported to this class, which will later be checked by AbstractGenericTest.
  • Constructor Details

    • ConcurrentTestExceptionHandler

      public ConcurrentTestExceptionHandler()
  • Method Details

    • registerHandler

      public static void registerHandler()
      Installs this exception handler as the default uncaught exception handler. See Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(UncaughtExceptionHandler)
    • handle

      public static void handle(Thread thread, Throwable t)
      Tells this class to process the given throwable
      thread - the thread that encountered the throwable
      t - the throwable
    • clear

      public static void clear()
      Clears all exceptions being tracked by this class
    • enable

      public static void enable()
      Enables this class after a call to disable() has been made
    • disable

      public static void disable()
      Disables this class's tracking of exceptions. Clients use this method to have this class ignore expected exceptions. This is a bit course-grained, as it does not allow clients to ignore specific expected exceptions.
    • isEnabled

      public static boolean isEnabled()
      Returns true if this class is enabled. When disabled this class does not track exceptions.
      true if enabled
    • getExceptions

      public static List<TestExceptionTracker> getExceptions()
      Returns all exceptions tracked by this class
      all exceptions tracked by this class
    • hasException

      public static boolean hasException()
      Returns true if this class has been given any exceptions to handle since last being cleared
      true if this class has been given any exceptions to handle since last being cleared
    • uncaughtException

      public void uncaughtException(Thread thread, Throwable t)
      Specified by:
      uncaughtException in interface Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler