Package generic.theme

Class ThemeValueUtils


public class ThemeValueUtils extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • ThemeValueUtils

      public ThemeValueUtils()
  • Method Details

    • parseGroupings

      public static List<String> parseGroupings(String source, char startChar, char endChar) throws ParseException
      Parses the given source string into a list of strings, one for each group. The startChar and endChar defined the group characters. So, for example, "(ab (cd))(ef)((gh))" would result in a list with the following values: "ab (cd)", "ef", and "(gh)"
      source - the source string to parse into groups
      startChar - the character that defines the start of a group
      endChar - the character that defines then end of a group
      a List of strings, one for each consecutive group contained in the string
      ParseException - if the groupings are not balanced or missing altogether