Package generic.theme.builtin
package generic.theme.builtin
ClassesClassDescriptionBuilt-in GTheme that uses the Motif
and the standard (light) application defaults.Built-in GTheme that uses the FlatDarkLookAndFeel
and the dark application defaults.Built-in GTheme that uses the FlatLightLookAndFeel
and the dark application defaults.Built-in GTheme that uses the GTK+LookAndFeel
and the standard (light) application defaults.Built-in GTheme that uses the AquaLookAndFeel
and the standard (light) application defaults.Built-in GTheme that uses the MetalLookAndFeel
and the standard (light) application defaults.Built-in GTheme that uses the NimbusLookAndFeel
and the standard (light) application defaults.Built-in GTheme that uses the Windows ClassicLookAndFeel
and the standard (light) application defaults.Built-in GTheme that uses the WindowsLookAndFeel
and the standard (light) application defaults.