Class CreateArrayInStructureCmd

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CreateArrayInStructureCmd extends Object implements Command<Program>
Command to create an array inside of a structure. All conflicting components within the targeted structure will be replaced with the new array component.
  • Constructor Details

    • CreateArrayInStructureCmd

      public CreateArrayInStructureCmd(Address addr, int numElements, DataType dt, int[] compPath)
      Constructs a new command for creating arrays inside of structures. The specified component will be replaced as will subsequent components within the structure required to make room for the new array component. NOTE: This is intended for replacing existing components and not for simply inserting an array component.
      addr - The address of the structure that will contain the new array.
      numElements - the number of elements in the array to be created. A 0 element count is permitted.
      dt - the dataType of the elements in the array to be created.
      compPath - the target component path within the structure of an existing component where the array should be created. The component path is an array of integers where each integer is a component index of the component above it.
  • Method Details

    • applyTo

      public boolean applyTo(Program program)
      Description copied from interface: Command
      Applies the command to the given domain object.
      Specified by:
      applyTo in interface Command<Program>
      program - domain object that this command is to be applied.
      true if the command applied successfully
    • getStatusMsg

      public String getStatusMsg()
      Description copied from interface: Command
      Returns the status message indicating the status of the command.
      Specified by:
      getStatusMsg in interface Command<Program>
      reason for failure, or null if the status of the command was successful
      See Also:
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Description copied from interface: Command
      Returns the name of this command.
      Specified by:
      getName in interface Command<Program>
      the name of this command
      See Also: