Class RenameLabelCmd

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class RenameLabelCmd extends Object implements Command<Program>
Command for renaming labels. Handles converting back and forth between default and named labels as well.
  • Constructor Details

    • RenameLabelCmd

      public RenameLabelCmd(Address addr, String oldName, String newName, SourceType source)
      Constructs a new command for renaming global labels.
      addr - Address of label to be renamed
      oldName - the name of the label to be renamed; may be null if the existing label is a dynamic label
      newName - the new name for the label
      source - the source of this symbol
    • RenameLabelCmd

      public RenameLabelCmd(Symbol symbol, String newName, SourceType source)
      Constructor renaming an existing symbol, but not changing its namespace
      symbol - the existing symbol; may not be null
      newName - the new symbol name
      source - the desired symbol source
    • RenameLabelCmd

      public RenameLabelCmd(Symbol symbol, String newName, Namespace newNamespace, SourceType source)
      Constructor renaming an existing symbol and changing its namespace. If you do not need to change the namespace, then call RenameLabelCmd(Symbol, String, SourceType).
      symbol - the existing symbol; may not be null
      newName - the new symbol name
      newNamespace - the new symbol namespace
      source - the desired symbol source
  • Method Details

    • getName

      public String getName()
      Description copied from interface: Command
      Returns the name of this command.
      Specified by:
      getName in interface Command<Program>
      the name of this command
    • getStatusMsg

      public String getStatusMsg()
      Description copied from interface: Command
      Returns the status message indicating the status of the command.
      Specified by:
      getStatusMsg in interface Command<Program>
      reason for failure, or null if the status of the command was successful
    • applyTo

      public boolean applyTo(Program program)
      Description copied from interface: Command
      Applies the command to the given domain object.
      Specified by:
      applyTo in interface Command<Program>
      program - domain object that this command is to be applied.
      true if the command applied successfully