Interface DataLocationListContext

public interface DataLocationListContext
Context mix-in interface that ActionContexts can implement if they can provide a list of Data object's ProgramLocation's.
  • Method Details

    • getCount

      int getCount()
      Returns the number of Data objects for the current action context.
      the number of Data objects for the current action context.
    • getDataLocationList

      List<ProgramLocation> getDataLocationList()
      Returns a list of the locations of the current Data objects in the current action context.
      a list of the locations of the current Data objects in the current action context.
    • getDataLocationList

      List<ProgramLocation> getDataLocationList(Predicate<Data> filter)
      Returns a list of the locations of the current Data objects in the current action context that pass the given filter.

      filter - a filter to apply to the current context's Data list, null implies all elements match.
      a list of the locations of the current Data objects in the current action context that pass the given filter.
    • getProgram

      Program getProgram()
      Returns the program for the current action context.
      the program for the current action context.