Class DecompilerDisposer


public class DecompilerDisposer extends Object
  • Method Details

    • dispose

      public static void dispose(Process process, OutputStream ouputStream, InputStream inputStream)
      Disposes the given Process and related streams from a background thread. This is necessary due to a low-probability deadlock that occurs in the JVM.
      process - The process to destroy.
      ouputStream - The output stream to close
      inputStream - The input stream to close
    • dispose

      public static void dispose(DecompInterface decompiler)
      Calls dispose in the given decompiler from a background thread.

      A class to handle the rare case where the DecompInterface's synchronized methods are blocking while a decompile operation has died and maintained the lock. In that scenario, calling dispose on this class will eventually try to enter a synchronized method that will remain blocked forever.

      I examined the uses of dispose() on the DecompInterface and determined that calling dispose() is a final operation, which means that you don't have to wait. Further, after calling dispose() on this class, you should no longer use it.

      decompiler - the decompiler