Interface DecompilerHighlighter

public interface DecompilerHighlighter
The highlighter interface passed to clients of the DecompilerHighlightService.

The expected workflow for this class is: create the highlighter, clients will request highlights via applyHighlights(), clients will clear highlights via clearHighlights() and the highlighter may be removed via dispose().

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Call this method when you wish to apply your highlights.
    Call this method when you wish to remove your highlights.
    Call this method to remove your highlighter from the Decompiler.
    Returns the ID used by this highlighter.
  • Method Details

    • applyHighlights

      void applyHighlights()
      Call this method when you wish to apply your highlights.
    • clearHighlights

      void clearHighlights()
      Call this method when you wish to remove your highlights.
    • dispose

      void dispose()
      Call this method to remove your highlighter from the Decompiler.
    • getId

      String getId()
      Returns the ID used by this highlighter. This will either be generated by this API or supplied by the client.
      the ID
      See Also: