Interface Emulator

All Known Implementing Classes:
AdaptedEmulator, DefaultEmulator

public interface Emulator
The emulator interface

This interface may soon be deprecated. It was extracted from what has now been renamed DefaultEmulator. Please consider using PcodeEmulator instead.

  • Method Details

    • getPCRegisterName

      String getPCRegisterName()
      Get the name of the program counter register
      the name
    • setExecuteAddress

      void setExecuteAddress(long addressableWordOffset)
      Set the value of the program counter
      addressableWordOffset - the word offset of the instruction to execute next.
    • getExecuteAddress

      Address getExecuteAddress()
      Get current execution address (or the address of the next instruction to be executed)
      current execution address
    • getLastExecuteAddress

      Address getLastExecuteAddress()
      Get the address of the last instruction executed (or the instructed currently being executed)
      the address
    • getPC

      long getPC()
      Get the value of the program counter
      the value, i.e., offset in code space
    • executeInstruction

      void executeInstruction(boolean stopAtBreakpoint, TaskMonitor monitor) throws CancelledException, LowlevelError, InstructionDecodeException
      Execute instruction at current address
      stopAtBreakpoint - if true and breakpoint hits at current execution address execution will halt without executing instruction.
      CancelledException - if execution was cancelled
    • isExecuting

      boolean isExecuting()
      true if emulator is busy executing an instruction
    • getEmulateExecutionState

      EmulateExecutionState getEmulateExecutionState()
      Get the low-level execution state

      This can be useful within a memory fault handler to determine if a memory read was associated with instruction parsing (i.e., EmulateExecutionState.INSTRUCTION_DECODE) or an actual emulated read (i.e., EmulateExecutionState.EXECUTE).

      emulator execution state.
    • getMemState

      MemoryState getMemState()
      Get the memory state
      the state
    • addMemoryAccessFilter

      void addMemoryAccessFilter(MemoryAccessFilter filter)
      Add a filter on memory access
      filter - the filter
    • getFilteredMemState getFilteredMemState()
      Get the memory state, modified by all installed access filters
      the state
    • setContextRegisterValue

      void setContextRegisterValue(RegisterValue regValue)
      Sets the context register value at the current execute address.

      The Emulator should not be running when this method is invoked. Only flowing context bits should be set, as non-flowing bits will be cleared prior to parsing on instruction. In addition, any future context state set by the pcode emitter will take precedence over context set using this method. This method is primarily intended to be used to establish the initial context state.

      regValue - is the value to set context to
    • getContextRegisterValue

      RegisterValue getContextRegisterValue()
      Returns the current context register value.

      The context value returned reflects its state when the previously executed instruction was parsed/executed. The context value returned will feed into the next instruction to be parsed with its non-flowing bits cleared and any future context state merged in.

      context as a RegisterValue object
    • getBreakTable

      BreakTableCallBack getBreakTable()
      Get the breakpoint table
      the breakpoint table
    • isAtBreakpoint

      boolean isAtBreakpoint()
      true if halted at a breakpoint
    • setHalt

      void setHalt(boolean halt)
      Halt or un-halt the emulator
      halt - true to halt
    • getHalt

      boolean getHalt()
      Check if the emulator has been halted
      true if halted
    • dispose

      void dispose()
      Clean up resources used by the emulator