Class ProgramLocationPluginEvent


public final class ProgramLocationPluginEvent extends PluginEvent
This plugin event class provides program location information. The event is fired when a plugin's program location has changed. Typically, a plugin does not actually generate the event unless it is processing some user action, e.g., the user mouse clicks somewhere on a plugin component to cause the program location to change.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ProgramLocationPluginEvent

      public ProgramLocationPluginEvent(String src, ProgramLocation loc, Program program)
      Construct a new ProgramLocationEvent.
      src - the name of the plugin that generated this event.
      loc - the ProgramLocation object that contains the new location.
      program - the Program for which the loc object refers.
  • Method Details

    • getLocation

      public ProgramLocation getLocation()
      Returns the ProgramLocation stored in this event.
    • getProgram

      public Program getProgram()
      Returns the Program object that the location refers to.
    • getDetails

      protected String getDetails()
      getDetails in class PluginEvent