Class ViewChangedPluginEvent


public final class ViewChangedPluginEvent extends PluginEvent
Event for notifying plugins when the program view changes (what the Code Browser shows in the listing window).
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ViewChangedPluginEvent

      public ViewChangedPluginEvent(String source, String treeName, AddressSet viewSet)
      Constructor for ViewChangedPluginEvent.
      source - name of the plugin that created this event
      treeName - name of the tree in the program
      viewSet - set of addresses in the view
  • Method Details

    • getTreeName

      public String getTreeName()
      Get the name of the tree where the view is from.
    • getView

      public AddressSet getView()
      Get the address set in the view.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Returns a string for debugging purposes.
      toString in class PluginEvent
      See Also: