Interface MergeProgressModifier

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
DataTypeArchiveMergeManager, MergeManager, ProgramMultiUserMergeManager

public interface MergeProgressModifier
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    setCompleted(String[] mergePhase)
    The manager (MergeResolver) for a particular merge phase should call this when its phase or sub-phase completes.
    setInProgress(String[] mergePhase)
    The manager (MergeResolver) for a particular merge phase should call this when its phase or sub-phase begins.
    updateProgress(int currentProgressPercentage)
    Updates the current phase progress area in the default merge panel.
    updateProgress(int currentProgressPercentage, String progressMessage)
    Updates the current phase progress area in the default merge panel.
    updateProgress(String progressMessage)
    Updates the current phase progress area in the default merge panel.
  • Method Details

    • updateProgress

      void updateProgress(String progressMessage)
      Updates the current phase progress area in the default merge panel.
      progressMessage - a message indicating what is currently occurring in this phase. Null indicates to use the default message.
    • updateProgress

      void updateProgress(int currentProgressPercentage)
      Updates the current phase progress area in the default merge panel.
      currentProgressPercentage - the progress percentage completed for the current phase. This should be a value from 0 to 100.
    • updateProgress

      void updateProgress(int currentProgressPercentage, String progressMessage)
      Updates the current phase progress area in the default merge panel.
      currentProgressPercentage - the progress percentage completed for the current phase. This should be a value from 0 to 100.
      progressMessage - a message indicating what is currently occurring in this phase.
    • setInProgress

      void setInProgress(String[] mergePhase)
      The manager (MergeResolver) for a particular merge phase should call this when its phase or sub-phase begins. The string array should match one that the returned by MergeResolver.getPhases().
      mergePhase - identifier for the merge phase to change to in progress status.
      See Also:
    • setCompleted

      void setCompleted(String[] mergePhase)
      The manager (MergeResolver) for a particular merge phase should call this when its phase or sub-phase completes. The string array should match one that the returned by MergeResolver.getPhases().
      mergePhase - identifier for the merge phase to change to completed status.
      See Also: