Interface Navigatable

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Navigatable
Interface for ComponentProviders to implement if they support basic navigation and selection capabilities. Implementing this interface will provide the provider with navigation history and actions that require navigation or selection. (Search Text, Search Memory, Select bytes, Select instructions, etc.)
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getInstanceID

      long getInstanceID()
    • goTo

      boolean goTo(Program program, ProgramLocation location)
      Commands this navigatable to goto (display) the given program and location
      program - the program
      location - the location in that program to display
      true if the goto was successful
    • getLocation

      ProgramLocation getLocation()
      Returns the current location of this Navigatable
      the current location of this Navigatable
    • getProgram

      Program getProgram()
      Returns the current Program of this Navigatable
      the current Program of this Navigatable
    • getMemento

      LocationMemento getMemento()
      Returns the view state for this navigatable
      the view state for this navigatable
    • setMemento

      void setMemento(LocationMemento memento)
      Sets the view state for this navigatable. This is used later to restore the view state.
      memento - the state of this navigatable
    • getNavigatableIcon

      Icon getNavigatableIcon()
      Returns an icon that represents this Navigatable
      the icon
    • isConnected

      boolean isConnected()
      Returns true if this Navigatable is "connected". Navigatables are connected if they produce and consume location and selection events.
      true if this Navigatable is "connected"
    • isDynamic

      default boolean isDynamic()
      Return true if this Navigatable is part of the "dynamic analysis" or "debugger" user interface.
      true if this Navigatable is "dynamic"
    • supportsMarkers

      boolean supportsMarkers()
      Currently only the 'connected' windows support markers
      true if this navigatable supports markers
    • requestFocus

      void requestFocus()
      Tells this provider to request focus.
    • isVisible

      boolean isVisible()
      Returns true if this provider is visible
      true if visible
    • setSelection

      void setSelection(ProgramSelection selection)
      Tells this Navigatable to set its selection to the given selection
      selection - the selection to set.
    • setHighlight

      void setHighlight(ProgramSelection highlight)
      Tells this Navigatable to set its highlight to the given highlight
      highlight - the highlight to set.
    • getSelection

      ProgramSelection getSelection()
      Returns the current selection of this Navigatable
      the current selection of this Navigatable
    • getHighlight

      ProgramSelection getHighlight()
      Returns the current highlight of this Navigatable
      the current highlight of this Navigatable
    • getTextSelection

      String getTextSelection()
      Returns the current text selection or null
      the text selection
    • addNavigatableListener

      void addNavigatableListener(NavigatableRemovalListener listener)
      Adds a listener to be notified if this Navigatable is terminated
      listener - the listener to be notified when this Navigatable is closed
    • removeNavigatableListener

      void removeNavigatableListener(NavigatableRemovalListener listener)
      Removes a listener to be notified if this Navigatable is terminated.
      listener - the listener that no longer should be notified when this Navigatable is closed.
    • isDisposed

      boolean isDisposed()
      Returns true if this navigatable is no longer valid
      true if this navigatable is no longer valid
    • supportsHighlight

      boolean supportsHighlight()
      Returns true if this navigatable supports highlighting
      true if this navigatable supports highlighting
    • setHighlightProvider

      void setHighlightProvider(ListingHighlightProvider highlightProvider, Program program)
      Set the highlight provider for the given program
      highlightProvider - the provider
      program - the program
    • removeHighlightProvider

      void removeHighlightProvider(ListingHighlightProvider highlightProvider, Program program)
      Removes the given highlight provider for the given program
      highlightProvider - the provider
      program - the program