Class NeedsBackfillException

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class NeedsBackfillException extends SolverException
An exception to indicate that the solution of an expression is not yet known

Furthermore, it cannot be determined whether or not the expression is even solvable. When this exception is thrown, a backfill record is placed on the encoded resolution indicating that the resolver must attempt to solve the expression again, once the encoding is otherwise complete. This is needed, most notably, when an encoding depends on the address of the next instruction, because the length of the current instruction is not known until resolution has finished.

Backfill becomes a possibility when an expression depends on a symbol that is not (yet) defined. Thus, as a matter of good record keeping, the exception takes the name of the missing symbol.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • NeedsBackfillException

      public NeedsBackfillException(String symbol)
      Construct a backfill exception, resulting from the given missing symbol name
      symbol - the missing symbol name
  • Method Details

    • getSymbol

      public String getSymbol()
      Retrieve the missing symbol name from the original solution attempt
      the missing symbol name