Class GccAnalysisClass

Direct Known Subclasses:
Cie, FrameDescriptionEntry, LSDAActionRecord, LSDACallSiteRecord, LSDACallSiteTable, LSDAHeader, LSDATypeTable

public abstract class GccAnalysisClass extends Object
An abstract class that can be extended by other classes that perform part of the gcc analysis. It provides some basic data types and methods for use by the extending class.
  • Field Details


      public static final String NEWLINE
    • monitor

      protected TaskMonitor monitor
    • program

      protected Program program
    • ptrSize

      protected int ptrSize
    • ptrDT

      protected Pointer ptrDT
    • dwordDT

      protected DWordDataType dwordDT
  • Constructor Details

    • GccAnalysisClass

      public GccAnalysisClass(TaskMonitor monitor, Program program)
      Creates an abstract GccAnalysisClass object. Subclasses should call this constructor to initialize the program and task monitor.
      monitor - task monitor to see if the user has cancelled analysis.
      program - the program being analyzed.
  • Method Details

    • init

      protected void init(Program program)
      Method that initializes the various pieces of information that are used throughout the program.
      program - the program being analyzed
    • createData

      protected static void createData(Program program, Address addr, DataType dt)
      Creates the specified DataType at the supplied address.
      program - the program being analyzed
      addr - the address where data is created
      dt - the type for the data
    • createAndCommentData

      protected static void createAndCommentData(Program program, Address addr, DataType dt, String comment, int commentType)
      Creates the specified DataType at the supplied address. In addition, a comment of the specified type is also created at the address.
      program - the program being analyzed
      addr - the address where data is created
      dt - the type for the data
      comment - the comment about the data
      commentType - the type of comment (CodeUnit.PLATE_COMMENT, CodeUnit.PRE_COMMENT, CodeUnit.EOL_COMMENT, CodeUnit.POST_COMMENT, CodeUnit.REPEATABLE_COMMENT)