
public class LSDATable extends Object
The Language Specific Data Area (LSDA) serves as a reference to the runtime for how to respond to an exception. Each function that handles an exception (that is, has a 'catch' block) has an LSDA, and each exception-prone fragment has a record within the LSDA. The runtime will walk up the call stack as part of the Unwind routines, asking the LSDA if a function knows how to handle the thrown exception;the default handler typically terminates the program.

Unwind uses the personality function and the LSDA -- the return value tells Unwind whether the function can handle the exception or not.

The LSDA is comprised of:

  • A header that describes the bounds of exception handling support and encoding modes for values found later in the LSDA table
  • A call site table that describes each location a 'throws' occurs and where a corresponding catch block resides, and the actions to take.
  • An action table, that describes what the runtime needs to do during unwind

The structures modeled here are described in detail in the C++ ABI.

  • Constructor Details

    • LSDATable

      public LSDATable(TaskMonitor monitor, Program program)
      Constructor for an LSDA exception table.
      Note: The create(Address, DwarfEHDecoder, RegionDescriptor) method must be called after constructing an LSDATable to associate it with an address before any of its "get..." methods are called.
      monitor - task monitor to see if the user has cancelled analysis
      program - the program containing the table
  • Method Details

    • create

      public void create(Address tableAddr, RegionDescriptor region) throws MemoryAccessException
      Create a LSDA Table from the bytes at addr. Parses the header, call site table, action table, and type table.
      Note: This method must get called before any of the "get..." methods.
      tableAddr - the start (minimum address) of this LSDA table.
      region - the region of the program associated with this table
      MemoryAccessException - if memory couldn't be accessed for the LSDA table
    • getCallSiteTable

      public LSDACallSiteTable getCallSiteTable()
      the call site table for this LSDA
    • getActionTable

      public LSDAActionTable getActionTable()
      the action table for this LSDA
    • getTypeTable

      public LSDATypeTable getTypeTable()
      the type table for this LSDA