Class GhidraScriptInfoManager


public class GhidraScriptInfoManager extends Object
A utility class for managing script directories and ScriptInfo objects.
  • Constructor Details

    • GhidraScriptInfoManager

      public GhidraScriptInfoManager()
  • Method Details

    • dispose

      public void dispose()
      clear stored metadata
    • clearMetadata

      public void clearMetadata()
      clear ScriptInfo metadata cached by GhidraScriptUtil
    • removeMetadata

      public void removeMetadata(ResourceFile scriptFile)
      Removes the ScriptInfo object for the specified file
      scriptFile - the script file
    • getScriptInfoIterable

      public Iterable<ScriptInfo> getScriptInfoIterable()
      get all scripts
      an iterable over all script info objects
    • getScriptInfo

      public ScriptInfo getScriptInfo(ResourceFile scriptFile)
      Returns the script info object for the specified script file, construct a new one if necessary.

      Only call this method if you expect to be creating ScriptInfo objects. Prefer getExistingScriptInfo instead.

      scriptFile - the script file
      the script info object for the specified script file
    • containsMetadata

      public boolean containsMetadata(ResourceFile scriptFile)
      Returns true if a ScriptInfo object exists for the specified script file.
      scriptFile - the script file
      true if a ScriptInfo object exists
    • getExistingScriptInfo

      public ScriptInfo getExistingScriptInfo(ResourceFile script)
      Get ScriptInfo for script under the assumption that it's already managed.
      script - the script
      info or null if the assumption was wrong. If null is returned, an error dialog is shown
    • getExistingScriptInfo

      public ScriptInfo getExistingScriptInfo(String scriptName)
      Returns the existing script info for the given name. The script environment limits scripts such that names are unique. If this method returns a non-null value, then the name given name is taken.
      scriptName - the name of the script for which to get a ScriptInfo
      a ScriptInfo matching the given name; null if no script by that name is known to the script manager
    • alreadyExists

      public boolean alreadyExists(String scriptName)
      Looks through all of the current ScriptInfos to see if one already exists with the given name.
      scriptName - The name to check
      true if the name is not taken by an existing ScriptInfo.
    • refreshDuplicates

      public void refreshDuplicates()
      Updates every known script's duplicate value.
    • findScriptInfoByName

      public ScriptInfo findScriptInfoByName(String scriptName)
      Uses the given name to find a matching script. This method only works because of the limitation that all script names in Ghidra must be unique. If the given name has multiple script matches, then a warning will be logged.
      scriptName - The name for which to find a script
      The ScriptInfo that has the given name