Class GhidraScriptLoadException

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class GhidraScriptLoadException extends UsrException
An exception for when a script provider cannot create a script instance
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • GhidraScriptLoadException

      public GhidraScriptLoadException(String message, Throwable cause)
      Construct an exception with a custom message and cause

      Note that the error message displayed to the user does not automatically include details from the cause. The client must provide details from the cause in the message as needed.

      message - the error message including details and possible remedies
      cause - the exception causing this one
    • GhidraScriptLoadException

      public GhidraScriptLoadException(String message)
      Construct an exception with a message
      message - the error message including details and possible remedies
    • GhidraScriptLoadException

      public GhidraScriptLoadException(Throwable cause)
      Construct an exception with a cause

      This will copy the cause's message into this exception's message.

      cause - the exception causing this one